Downloads: Miscellaneous

Files in category : Miscellaneous
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Adding Region Adding Region : here it is (11.8 KB) May 18, 2007 1,395 0
MTW2 Interface (interface, menus icones) MTW2 Interface (interface, menus icones) : I have created this interface cause I was tired of the green buttons of the interface, the big curso ... [more] (5.36 MB) May 16, 2007 928 5
Building file upkeep for Mongol/Timurid. LTC 2.3 Building file upkeep for Mongol/Timurid. LTC 2.3 : This is the second file needed so that the buildings of the Mongol/Timurids point to the new units s ... [more] (227.0 KB) May 08, 2007 502 0
Unit files for upkeep Mongol/Timurids. LTC 2.3 Unit files for upkeep Mongol/Timurids. LTC 2.3 : This adds a clone of the Mongol and Timurid unique units and then adds upkeep to them. They are only ... [more] (510.7 KB) May 08, 2007 528 0
3D M2TW Avatars 3D M2TW Avatars : These are pretty neat animated 3D M2TW units to be used as avatars. I included all the frames I used ... [more] (Unknown Size) May 02, 2007 1,085 1 : Zip contains the pdf file MeshFormatDocumentation.pdf, the final version of documentation of the mes ... [more] (376.7 KB) April 25, 2007 784 0 : Draft version of the mesh format conversion documentation. (376.6 KB) April 23, 2007 329 0
Alletun's Faction Symbols Alletun's Faction Symbols : This small mod replaces all the ingame symbols with new ones I made. I did NOT aim for historical a ... [more] (2.50 MB) April 14, 2007 2,654 13
M2TW Ingame Portraits (avatars) M2TW Ingame Portraits (avatars) : I compiled all the M2TW ingame portraits so they can be used as avatars. Enjoy. (6.48 MB) April 13, 2007 1,885 1
Fix1 Machiavello: Total War Fix1 Machiavello: Total War : Many bugs of "Machiavello: Total War" has been solved with this fix. (2.09 MB) April 12, 2007 1,913 0
Muslim Generalīs Barded horse mod Muslim Generalīs Barded horse mod : Info This mod give Muslimīs generals bodyguard Barded horse with new skins for Moors, Turks and Egyp ... [more] (1.41 MB) April 07, 2007 2,683 5
Dismounted Boyars Sons - Extra textures Dismounted Boyars Sons - Extra textures : These files have the extra two bodies needed to show all three texture variations on meshes containe ... [more] (135.3 KB) April 03, 2007 528 0
Basic mod folder Basic mod folder : This is the most basic mod folder setup you can get. It doesn't have sounds, videos, loading screens ... [more] (1.28 MB) March 26, 2007 1,885 1
M2TW stripped down mod folder M2TW stripped down mod folder : Update II 04/29/07 Version 1.1 also has cleaned names and banners. Update 04/29/07 The stri ... [more] (242.9 KB) March 21, 2007 2,784 5
Fix1 Machiavello 2.0 Fix1 Machiavello 2.0 : Some players told me about a systematic crash to desktop of Machiavello 2.0 when the date 1419 is re ... [more] (68.5 KB) March 10, 2007 2,335 0
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