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Thread: Struggling with DeI

  1. #1
    Adonnus's Avatar Civis
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    Jan 2012

    Default Struggling with DeI

    I'm on my fourth attempt at a Suebi legendary campaign having failed at the last ones. Finally I seemed to be getting somewhere. Good army, good general, only one enemy, their army defeated. However then I lost the game.

    There are a few things which are irking me as I don't understand them. Firstly, the food system. When I recruit more units, the available food goes down, but I can't see any explanation as to why.

    Secondly, the AI. OPMs can field 2 stacks at once, they also have incomes of 3400 for one settlement, yes I get it's legendary difficulty, but how is it even possible to start a campaign if all your rivals have 10x your income?

    Thirdly, reinforcement. I had a whole host of good units from the 2nd strata, but then they ran out of population. So I discovered that they can't be reinforced. Or maybe that was it, but that doesn't explain why the rest of my army, including from the other stratas, also aren't receiving reinforcements. I'm not bankrupt and I have food. The reinforcement is positive, I have my turn, and lo and behold the next turn, it's turned off for all of them.

    Lastly, the AI automatically reject every trade agreement for no reason, even though it's mutually beneficial, and even when we have positive relations. They also reject every other diplomatic offer.

  2. #2
    KAM 2150's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: Struggling with DeI

    DeI is supposed to be played on Normal/Normal, as its stated in our description. Once you get good, you can try Hard Campaign with Normal battles. Legendary is not going to be balanced and is reserved to biggest DeI veterans who are aware of all mechanics and AI bonuses. For example we can't edit battle difficulty buffs and on Legendary, AI unit will defeat same player unit with 5:1 ratio in killls. Stances impact food consumption, recruit will take 1 food from global supply.
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  3. #3
    Adonnus's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Struggling with DeI

    Quote Originally Posted by KAM 2150 View Post
    For example we can't edit battle difficulty buffs

    Ok, thanks, i'll try that. Also, what about the reinforcement issue I had? Was that intended?

  4. #4
    KAM 2150's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: Struggling with DeI

    Yes, only later games allow to edit battle difficulty modifiers.

    For replenishment, system works as 0/1 so either all units have enough of pop class to replenish or none will replenish.
    Also if you just captured a region, replenishment wont start until next turn.
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  5. #5
    Adonnus's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Struggling with DeI

    Thanks, I got it figured out now

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