Hi everyone!

Is it possible to assign a sound to a building in battle (when storming a city).
I'll explain the question a little: Now some buildings, such as the market (which appear in the city after construction) have their own sound when you bring the camera as close as possible to this building.
The same sound is registered, for example, for the barracks. (But for such levels of barracks (in EDB) as
town_watch, town_guard, city_watch, militia_drill_square (These are the first four levels) there are no sounds in battle.

I tried for a long time to assign my own sound to the city_watch level of town barracks, but nothing worked out for me.

What I specifically did:
1. In the file descr_sounds_generic.txt
I found the event I needed and added a new sound (and put it in the right folder (data/sounds/SFX/Structure)

event ambient_barracks mindist 3 minpitch .8 maxpitch 1.1 priority 80 volume 0 looped fadein .2 fadeout .5
                folder data/sounds/SFX/Structure
2. In the file descr_structure_effects.txt
I added the following lines (following the example of those buildings that are already in the file):

effect_set city_watch
time_of_day day
    lod 100000

effect_set NE_city_watch
time_of_day day
    lod 100000

effect_set SE_city_watch
time_of_day day
    lod 100000

3. Then I deleted all files (*.idx and *.dat) from the Sounds folder and Repacked all sound files.
(*To test myself: I immediately unpack all the sounds and see that my file, which I registered, is in the unpacked files.But the saddest thing is that when I go into the test assault on the city (with this level of the barracks (city_watch), for which I prescribed my new sound), nothing is played.

•What am I doing wrong?
•Are there people here who have already assigned sounds to buildings and who can help me?
•Perhaps there is some guide on this issue?

Or is it impossible to implement at all?

I have accumulated an assembly of sounds for buildings that would diversify and enliven the battle.

Thanks in advance for your replies.