Downloads: Skins

Files in category : Skins
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DragonSlayer [1.1] DragonSlayer [1.1] : Dragon Slayer 1.0 this is one of my favoirtes from titan quest I hope u like it Dragon Slayer 1 ... [more] (163.7 KB) March 01, 2009 1,622 1
ELITE HOPLITE (KLA) ELITE HOPLITE (KLA) : ELITE HOPLITE ... [more] (810.9 KB) February 23, 2009 2,276 3
AMAZON ELITE HOPLITE (KLA) AMAZON ELITE HOPLITE (KLA) : AMAZON ELITE HOPLITE + Units Cards ( ... [more] (497.6 KB) February 23, 2009 1,997 0
AMAZON HOPLITE (KLA) AMAZON HOPLITE (KLA) : AMAZON HOPLITE ... [more] (1.05 MB) February 23, 2009 1,913 0
Spartan _Imperial_Swordsmen Spartan _Imperial_Swordsmen : Spartan Imperial Swordsmen, an elite shock force for Greek Cities. Texture variables are vanilla and ... [more] (108.3 KB) January 31, 2009 3,541 7
CAMPANIAN CAVALRYMAN (KLA) CAMPANIAN CAVALRYMAN (KLA) : There is my old unit - Campanian Cavalryman. I made it two years ago, but forgot about released. :) ... [more] (511.4 KB) December 14, 2008 2,884 8
AMAZON - more realistic woman! (KLA) AMAZON - more realistic woman! (KLA) : I have made new model for woman - head, face, hands, legs etc. (My model is brunette): http://img25 ... [more] (690.7 KB) November 28, 2008 2,226 6
briton color change briton color change : changed the color to a brown/red to make them the color more earthy ... [more] (839.0 KB) September 18, 2008 555 1
scutarii of carthage scutarii of carthage : just got the Spanish scutarii and gave it to carthage includes unit cards http://s370.photobucket ... [more] (556.8 KB) September 17, 2008 986 2
woad warrior reskin woad warrior reskin : i just changed the blue woad dye to black to make the troops look more wilder:tongue: http://s370.p ... [more] (320.3 KB) September 17, 2008 637 0
New spartan skin New spartan skin : I just reskined the spartan to make it look better than the skin with the red robes http://s370.pho ... [more] (516.6 KB) September 17, 2008 3,378 29
SPQR colour change SPQR colour change : :)BLACK/GREY SPQR SKINS ... [more] (502.2 KB) September 14, 2008 1,942 9
 IG's Barbarian Pack V1 IG's Barbarian Pack V1 : Ever since i got into playing mods i've thought someone should do a reskin if not an overhaul of the ... [more] (3.52 MB) September 11, 2008 1,205 0
Jakob's units 0.1 Jakob's units 0.1 : Hi, i've made new skins and i want to share them with you. (They are a littie "Beta" because they ar ... [more] (126.1 KB) September 11, 2008 606 8
Leopard Retiarius Leopard Retiarius : A gladiator unit for Rome: Total War; also will work for BI. Includes unit cards and unit descriptio ... [more] (165.4 KB) August 22, 2008 1,294 5
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