Downloads: Scope Hattori/Tokugawa Ninja Hero Mod Version 3

Scope Hattori/Tokugawa Ninja Hero Mod Version 3

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Uploaded by scope2007 - June 07, 2013
Author Author scope
File Size File Size 4.09 MB
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The latest version of expands the mod with the addition of the Shinobi Hero for Fall of the Samurai factions.

Other changes include full rebalancing of the Hattori and Tokugawa Ninja Heroes to work alongside (or as an alternative to), the rather bland "Hanzo's Shadows" DLC Unit. Do not be put off by owning the Saints and Heroes DLC, this mod is designed to work in parallel by providing a stronger faction specific unit, with thier own abilities and unique artwork for those clans which specialize in the use of battlefield ninja (think along the lines of the "Shimazu Katana Hero", but with more than just a simple stats change).

All three of the Ninja Hero units use custom firebomb projectiles with an increased range of 75 yards (up from 50), and can fire whilst hidden. This allows for easier stealth barrages to take the enemy by surprise before charging for the kill!

The updated art assets have also introduced unit randomisation, utilising faction colour textures for trims on some of the models.

Spoiler for Unit Randomisation

Final results have more random possibilities than these example screenshots


V3.0 - 07/06/2013

  • Addition of Fall of the Samurai Campaign Ninja Hero unit - The Shinobi Hero.

・ Balanced for play against other FOTS factions Primarily. This unit is superior to Kisho Ninjas in almost every way. Deadly in melee, this unit is perfect for Ambushes due to its ability to blend into its surroundings much more effectively than other ninja. It's superior mastery of the Shinobi-arts also allows it to throw firebombs further than other Ninja (75 yards in oppose to the default of 50 for standard Kisho Ninja), and can also do this whilst hidden without betraying its position! The unit also has the ability to use stealth on the campaign map - much like the Ninja Agent, and is also immune to attrition due to survival training. Available to all clans who have built a Legendary Samurai Dojo in FOTS Campaign. Also Available in custom battles. Unit has randomised soldiers, and custom artwork for unit leader based on FOTS Ninja Model.

  • Rebalancing of Hattori and Tokugawa Ninja Heroes to work as a clan specific hero to be used alongside or or as an alternative to "Hanzo's Shadows" DLC unit -

・ Disabled recruitment of "Hanzo's Shadows" (DLC ninja hero unit) for Tokugawa and Hattori clans ONLY, as the Ninja Hero Mod gives these factions a stronger and more unique Ninja unit. All other Shogun 2 factions may recruit "Hanzo's Shadows" as normal (This affects "Saints and Heroes" DLC owners only).

・ Hattori and Tokugawa Ninja Heroes can now use firebombs, with an increased firing range of 75 yards (increased from 50), but with a limited supply of ammo. Can fire whilst hidden without breaking stealth - making surprise firebomb attacks possible.
・Decreased detection range of Tokugawa and Hattori Ninja Heroes from 50 to 20 whilst in Long Grass, Scrub and Forests - making them harder to detect.
・ Tokugawa Ninja Hero Stats Changes - Melee Attack stat increased to 25 (up from 20), bringing it more in line with Hanzo's Shadows. Also Increased Charge to 30. Additional abilities - Now has Paths Seldom Trod, Campaign Map Stealth, Inspire aura and Immunity to Campaign map Attrition, while retaining "Hold Firm" ability and Unique Garrisoning Police Bonus.
・ Hattori Ninja Hero Stats Changes - Melee Attack stat increased to 28 (up from 25), making it stronger in melee than the other Ninja Hero units. Charge increased to 30 (bringing it in line with other Tokugawa and Hanzo's Shadows units). Additional abilities - Unit now has Paths Seldom Trod, Campaign Map Stealth, Inspire aura and Immunity to Campaign Map Attrition, While retaining "Warcry" Ability.

  • Addition of new Art assets and unit randomisations for Hattori and Tokugawa Ninja Heroes -

・ Addition of Three possible unit randomisation skins for soldiers in ninja hero unit, one of which has team colourable lacing and trim. (Red for Hattori, Orange for Tokugawa based on default clan colouring.)
・ Addition of Leather Curaiss, and Leather Shoulder Pauldrons as Unit randomisation option.

・ Ninja Hero Unit Leaders now correctly have Haidate style Thigh Guards.

  • Further Optimisation and merging of packfile structure -

・ Consolidation of Hattori, Tokugawa and Shinobi Hero units into one packfile.

・ Hattori Clan Aesthetic Upgrade (Not available with Lite or Steamworks downloads) Renamed from Hattori Visual Upgrade, Removed from main packfile and placed into an independent and wholly optional packfile. Hattori Samurai units are now led by more armoured 'Jonin' (Veteran Ninja) models rather than a Samurai - with randomisation options for shoulder armour and possibility of Red Ninja Menpo mask. As with previous versions Ashigaru are led by Ninja "Monomi" (low ranking Ninja and Scouts). This better reflects the ability for these units to use Stealth Deployment options as the Ninja would act as a guide for the unit. As mini-mod only overrides the look of a unit and does not deal with stats, it should not affect online play and does not need activation in the S2 mod manager. (not included with lite or steamworks version, available in full version or as a standalone mini-mod.)
・ Hattori and Tokugawa Kisho Ninja Leaders - Removed these custom skins from main packfile and merged with my "FOTS style Kisho Ninja unit leaders for Vanilla Shogun 2" Aesthetic mini-mod. Now contained in its own independent and wholly optional packfile. This mod replaces ALL Kisho Ninja Officers in vanilla shogun 2 with the visually pleasing fall of the samurai menpo masked model. It also changes the Hattori and Tokugawa clans Kisho Ninja officers to this model, but with a clan specific custom skin due to their infamy for use of ninja. As mini-mod only overrides the look of a unit and does not deal with stats, it should not affect online play and does not need activation in the S2 mod manager. (not included with lite or steamworks version, available in full version or as a standalone mini-mod.)

  • Encyclopedia Entries (not included with Steamworks Version) -

・ Added Entry and custom artwork for "Shinobi Hero".

・ Edited Entries for Hattori and Tokugawa Ninja Heroes to reflect stats and ability changes, and cleaned up Description Text. Information pertaining to Units role, strengths and weaknesses are at the top of the page. Optional Historical information (for all us history buffs!), is under a second heading below.




June 10, 2013 at 01:27 PM
Why doesn't the steam version have encylopedia pages?
June 14, 2013 at 06:52 AM
Steamworks only allows the upload of packfiles.

As encyclopedia pages are in a seperate folder, they have to be provided as a seperate download unfortunately. I guess CA didn't think many people would take the time to make these and thought it was too hard work to integrate.
October 28, 2014 at 08:22 AM
why this mod doest work for me?
October 28, 2014 at 08:23 AM
the previous v1.0 and 2.0 worked just fine
March 21, 2015 at 11:53 PM
como se instala?

March 21, 2015 at 11:53 PM
como se instala?

March 04, 2016 at 03:49 AM
imso glad i found this my workshop mods wont download and yours was one of my all time faves love the Tokugawa with these ninjas