Lingua Latina

  1. Ian Altano
    Ian Altano
    I have been studying Latin for 7 years now (and will be studying it for at least 5 years more, with the possibility of teaching it afterwards) and I am fascinated by it.

    Fave authors: Cornelius Nepos and Gaius Julius Caesar
  2. death to the romans
    death to the romans
    iam septem anni?!!! latina modo duos annos studeo.
  3. Valkar
    I like Tacitus and Jordanes.
  4. Babur
    I studied Latin for 8 years, during that time I covered works by Julius Caesar,Ovid,Tacitus,Virgil and Cicero.
  5. Basil II the B.S
    Studied for 6 years. Amazing literature.
    Also makes easier learning any neo-latin language.
  6. Dominicvs
    About 3 months in of learning Latin and loving it! The culture and wars of the classics is a real passion of mine!
Results 1 to 6 of 6