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Thread: Scriptorium Editorial for November 2014

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    Vađarholmr's Avatar Archivum Scriptorium
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    Default Scriptorium Editorial for November 2014

    First of all sorry for the delay! We have been low on manpower and exams have also played a part in slowing the process down. But now it is finally here!

    Top News

    Competition Winners

    We apologize for the delay in getting this Editorial out to announce the winners. We know all of you have been eager to know the result, but now here they are at last!

    Overall Winners
    1st: >>Execute by Kip
    2nd: Revenants bySalah ad Din Yusuf
    3rd: The Fisher King by Squeaks

    Librarian's Choice
    - The Presidence of Ambriel by Hitai de Bodemloze.

    Category Reputation Winners
    50 Rep to runner-up

    LIFE by Flinn

    25 Rep to second runner-ups

    Algonquin Rays by Lugotorix
    Untitled by justdownloading

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    Other News

    We are hiring! Feel free to send me a message if you would like to join the best part of TWC content staff and work for the community!
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    Recent Articles

    Below is a list of all articles added to the Scriptorium catalogs since the time of our last editorial in April 2014.

    Recently Added Articles

    May 2014
    [Modding] Rome 2: How to bring an external model into Rome II part 1: Set-up and helmet
    Added 11.05.14
    [Tutorial] How to transfer variant mesh definition from Assembly Kit to PFM Added 26.05.14

    June 2014
    [History] The rise of Marcus Antonius Added 03.06.14
    [Modding] Rome 2: Modding guide for novices Added 16.06.14

    July 2014
    [History] James Longsteet and the Lost Cause Movement
    Added 12.07.14
    [History] Rhodes during the Hellenistic age- The siege of Demetrios Added 18.07.14
    [Modding] Sebidee's Complete Guide to Unit Creation Added 18.07.14
    [Modding] Rome 2: Magnar's Modding Video Tutorials Added 30.07.14

    August 2014
    [Modding] Rome 2: How to bring an external skeleton into Rome 2 Added
    Added 23.08.14
    [History] The Rise and Fall of the Zulu Kingdom Added 24.08.14
    [History] The Dynastic Cycle in Ming and Yuan China: State Capacity and Military Effectiveness
    Added 24.08.14
    [History] The Battle of Merv (1510) Added 24.08.14
    [History] From Man to Beast; Propaganda and the German Soldier in East 1941-1945 Added 29.08.14
    [Modding] Rome 2: Adding new textured items without replacing the original texture Added 31.08.14
    [History] Matchlocks Giver of Firepower Added 31.08.14
    [History] A Comparison of Ogier de Busbecq and Michele de Montaigne Added 31.08.14

    September 2014
    Napoleon's War: The Reforms and Strategy of Napoleon Bonaparte Added 14.09.14

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    Article Reviews

    1st place, >>Execute, by Kip - review by Sir Adrian

    This year's winner is a very interesting piece and a pleasant change. Instead of war dramas and battlefields which seem to have captured out community's hearts the last couple of times this time around we have a fairly deep philosophical story. The entry is centered around the musings of an A.I which ponders existence, the true meaning of life, and whether an artificial consciousness can truly be considered alive. In the process it manages to raise quite a few interesting questions which would not be out of place in the EMM's philosophy section and leaves you wondering about the human condition, is this is all there is, are simply constructs meant to perform some unknowable task or are we living in a simulation, an antechamber to the real world which awaits after this one. Your guess is as good as mine.

    Despite the fact that the entry has slight problem getting the message across on the first read - a problem which is offset by the fact that it's so good you will re-read it anyway - I find it to be an excellent entry and deserving of first place. So does our community who has deigned fir to award Kip with the gold medal.

    - Sir Adrian

    2nd place, Revenants, by Salah ad Din Yusuf - review by Sir Adrian

    In second place we have a very interesting short poem by the most honorable Saladin himself. While the theme of the poem is once again war in its crude unfiltered form the author, displaying a cunning worthy of an Ayyubid sultan, skips on the whole battle focusing instead on the before and after. Thus, the poem is split into 3 moments: the night before the battle when the final touches are being made, the march two in the following morning and the general's remembrance of the aftermath. Each episode is only sketched very lightly, designed to express only a single emotion which underlines the entire event - anxiety, arrogance and deep guilt/regret - while leaving most of the scene to the reader's imagination. An ambitious idea which works out very well in the end making a good poem into a great one.

    The rhythm is good if uneven and abrupt and the mixed rhymes work well with the short verses and stanzas. Overall this is an excellent poem and worthy of the silver medal our community bestowed upon Salah ad Din Yusuf

    - Sir Adrian

    3rd place, The Fisher King, by Squeaks - review by Sir Adrian

    In third place we have the sole entrant for the long category, The Fisher King. In a final full of not so conventional entries the Fisher King stands out by not having a story per se but instead chooses to describe the realm of the dead as seen in the Dragon Dawn world. This is both a good and bad thing. The good is that it makes for a very interesting reading, especially for fans of fantasy worlds, and allows for a very detailed description of the world chocked full with exotic places and beings. The bad, until the Dragon Dawn mod comes out most readers will have no idea who are the gods mentioned and some may feel completely lost.

    Nonetheless despite this setback the author's skillful use of metaphors and visual imagery - quite possibly the best I've seen in the last two competitions - and the detailed if sloppy writing make this a very fascinating read and my personal favorite among this summer's finalists. So without much further ado it is our pleasure to listen to the community and award Squeaks with the bronze medal. Let it not be said that we do not aim to please.

    - Sir Adrian

    Runner up, LIFE, by Flinn - review by Sir Adrian

    In a contest as close as this year's, coming fourth is no small feat, especially for a first time contestant. LIFE's topic is quite peculiar in that it does not deal with any of the traditional topics and instead chooses to talk about a river describing its life giving course from its spring to the great sea where all rivers end. The author employs imagery to a full effect skillfully making something as mundane as a river into an interesting topic. Along with the mixture of near and unaccented rhyme, the very same skilful use of imagery also contributes the poem's snappy pace and excellent rhythm, which makes it very fun to read.

    There isn't much more to be said except that Flinn's entry is a very good first try and we hope that the 50 rep he gets for runner up will prove but a first taste and we'll see more of him in the next competitions.

    - Sir Adrian

    Librarian's Choice Winner, The Presidence of Ambriel, by Hitai de Bodemloze - review by Sir Adrian

    This year's librarian's choice was an unusually complicated matter in that we had no clear cut favorite and all entries were considered serious candidate, mostly due to the high quality of the entries, but in the end the Presidence of Ambriel prevailed and quite rightly so.

    Much like our Bronze winner and Runner Up, the Presidence of Ambriel does not deal with a concrete topic, the focus being on description. And what a description it is. The entry is dripping with visual imagery, to the point where it relies almost entirely on them. The problem is using a single tool all the time is that you can easily set yourself up for failure but this isn't the case here due to Hitai's very skilled use of figures of speech (the exquisite metaphors and comparisons stand out) and refined artistic style which combine to make a 7 line entry into a fantastic escape to another place far away of the hum drum of modern life.

    The style is very complex and the language elevated, which is both a good and bad thing for Hitai's submission. The good is that it makes the entry very very good, the bad is that non-English speakers might have a harder time of understanding much from it but that does not take away from the entry's high quality and it never hurts to learn a new word or two. I don't know about others but we librarians love idyllic fields where dances take root and for that reason it is out great honor to award Hitai de Bodemloze with the a deserved Librarian's Choice award and all other entrants with a hearty pat on the back for job well done.

    - Sir Adrian

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    Closing Remarks

    Thanks for everyone who participated in the competition, and congratulations to the winners! We had a lot of good entries and it was a close race for many of them. I hope you will take your time to enter again next time. And as said further up; We are hiring! So feel free to send me a message about that.

    The Scriptorium Team

    Vađarholmr - Chief Librarian & Editor
    Lord William - Writer & Librarian
    Sir Adrian - Writer & Librarian
    Riverknight - Writer & Librarian
    Lord Oda Nobunaga - Writer & Librarian

    Big thanks to StealthFox for actively helping us (me) out still.

    Beneath are included a selection of the many great publications and videos made by other parts of TWC's wonderful staff!

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    Last edited by StealthFox; November 21, 2014 at 08:41 AM.
    {I cook weird stuff}-{Patronised by the fearsome Chloe}
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    (The Frosta-thing law, 1260)

    Is acher in gaíth innocht,
    fu-fuasna fairggae findfolt:
    ní ágor réimm mora minn
    dond láechraid lainn ua Lothlind.

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