Hi, not much traffic on this forum sadly.

I checked all campaigns, and they seem polished to me. Good gameplay balance*, and especially cool map. Always wanted a mod with a map focused on the balkans! The only problem I encountered was that the garrison spearmen (várkatona) model doesn't have the shield equipped. No big deal though.

*I would like to ask how the mongol scenario supposed to play? The mongols have 3 big and 4-5 smaller stacks.
My idea was to empty the settlements. If they can make it to the meetup in Croatia, than fine, if they can't reach the king, they are sent to a local strongpoint, maybe they survive a siege. (I chose Esztergom for northern and Nándorfehérvár for central and eastern infantry). Didn't really work out, mainly because the mongols are not in war with Poland and Bulgaria, who attacked me. Was my plan wrong?

As a separate note, does somebody has a working link (or is willing to upload somewhere) Scytha's Reality mod silver?
