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Thread: some possible bugs 4.4.1

  1. #1

    Default some possible bugs 4.4.1

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bug ROTK.jpg 
Views:	10 
Size:	27.7 KB 
ID:	363423
    1.Seems like the water textures/bodies can be out of whack and are making shimmery silver columns in some maps. This isnt the only time or place this has happened. This shot was at the bridge between Jianmen pass and Zitong.

    2.the Di heavy bowmen textures for the nanman faction are all silver. Haven't tested with other factions so i am unsure if its just the nanman or not.

    3. The unaligned general Gao Ding does not want to accept any bribe whatsoever. He always refuses regardless of how much money I have or his level of fealty. Seems like might be a bug.

    4. Not sure if this is a bug, but when i took the Di territories from rebels as Nanman i got a message the following turn that a horde has arrived bearing down on my cities and the faction it was for was the Imperial han faction. I dont think I have ever seen this message in any play-through and i have conquered this location before as the Nanman in a recent version of the mod. When i checked location on the event it zoomed to the area on the image attached. It was specifically in the trees in an inaccessible area. Lifting the FOW i cant see what is there so I'm not sure if anything spawned or not.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	rotk 4.4.1 horde location.jpg 
Views:	6 
Size:	51.3 KB 
ID:	363425

    5. The AI sun clan and Jingzhou clan have been sending stacks through my land, playing as nanman, but they seem to be trying to move somewhere they cant get to. Im stuck with several stacks of Sun and Jingzhou milling about in the middle of my empire not being aggressive towards me. Seems like might be a pathing issue? lifting FOW in other playthorughs, i have seen this same behavior in the south with stacks of other factions milling about in ba shu and nanman lands

    Amazing mod as always, love that you guys are still updating it. Hopefully this helps with any bug squashing!

  2. #2
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Re: some possible bugs 4.4.1

    Thanks for the feedback. I managed to get some of these things changed for the compiling of v4.5

    1) Not really sure what the cause is, but I believe it is terrain being *below* water - typically in mountainous areas with rivers/river crossings. In any event, it would have to be fixed on a case-by-case basis, as the specific coordinate (and surrounding coordinates) on the map would have to be altered on various files (heights, terrain, etc.). So there isn't any "one-off" to fix the issue as a whole.

    2) I forgot to put "mercenary_unit" as an attribute for them in EDU. Has been fixed for upcoming v4.5

    3) Apparently it has something to do with Unaligned characters and the "Personal Goal: Foreign" trait. I had the same issue with Mil U when I first implemented Goguryeo, but never connected the dots, so I had him spawn via event. I changed Gao Ding's personal goal and he can be bribed now. It seems like the same issue doesn't affect rebel faction characters with the trait, but it shouldn't be an issue with v4.5

    4) Not a bug, but more so an oversight on my part. As you know, the Imperial Han faction is alive and, to be alive, they have to be "hidden" on the map. They are also technically a horde, as they do not control any settlements. They were always hidden in the far north of the Di Territories, so when you conquer the Di Territory, the "horde event" would pop up as the Imperial Han (horde) was located in that territory - I don't ever recall that happening before, but that is why you are seeing it. I made some changes to the map and placed the Imperial Han characters in a place that can never be controlled by the player or other factions.

    5) All I can say is that the AI can be utterly stupid in Medieval II. In a recent playthrough as Jingnan, I had Liu Bei's general Liao Hua just hanging out near Jiangxia forever. Don't know how he got there or where he thought he was going. It has to do with the CAI and Medieval II's stupid AI but, since I don't know squat about editing CAI, it is what it is.
    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
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