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Thread: Is this normal? Immortal General!

  1. #1

    Default Is this normal? Immortal General!

    1- In my campaign, all the generals lives until they are 120 years old. Is this normal?
    2- There are alot of unit has upkeep cost = Zero (All the feathered forest units, imperial guard units,..v..v...). Is this normal?
    3- The AI still spams alot
    P/s sorry for my bad english.

    Last edited by Minn; March 30, 2015 at 12:34 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Is this normal? Immortal General!

    Quote Originally Posted by Minn View Post
    1- In my campaign, all the generals lives until they are 120 years old. Is this normal?
    2- There are alot of unit has upkeep cost = Zero (All the feathered forest units, imperial guard units,..v..v...). Is this normal?
    3- The AI still spams alot
    P/s sorry for my bad english.

    yes it normal

  3. #3

    Icon3 Re: Is this normal? Immortal General!

    Quote Originally Posted by Minn View Post
    1- In my campaign, all the generals lives until they are 120 years old. Is this normal?
    2- There are alot of unit has upkeep cost = Zero (All the feathered forest units, imperial guard units,..v..v...). Is this normal?
    3- The AI still spams alot
    P/s sorry for my bad english.

    Minn, instead of being disapointed, use all this to your advantage:
    When your infrastructure level is sufficiently advanced, start to produce only free unit such as feathered forest units, imperial guard units, zhuge crossbowmen, you will be able to support a number of armies way beyond any other factions. Disband all other older costly units. Your upkeep cost will be the lowest among all Chinese factions! The countrysides around my city walls are litteraly flooded by dozens of armies, blocking the path to all, friends or foes alike (Such as it used to be in Shogun Total War). Thus totally impregnable. Stronger defence and offence strategy, even stronger than the Great Wall of China! At this stage I usually resign as the game becomes totally unmanageable, since the eyes can no longer distinguish the units, and the mouse cursor becomes unsuitable to grap the right army.But you will rank first in the power graph in term of military might and economy. It will provide some deterrence effect too.

    My computer can no longer run Windows since a hacking attack, but when the problem is fixed, I shall attach some screen captures !

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