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Thread: Battle tactics

  1. #1
    Matt's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Battle tactics


    Does anyone have resources on battle tactics for the game? Recently bought it, and it's much harder than every TW title I've ever tried; particularly the historical battles or quick ones, when me and the enemy have more or less equal contingents, quality and quantity wise. I play on normal, but some people here and there brag about playing on very hard, and not having that many problems.

    Does the official strategy guide have some worthy insight? It's around $5 used with shipping. I've already read frogbeastegg's beginners' guide.


  2. #2
    |Sith|Galvanized Iron's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Battle tactics

    There are two important things that makes battles very easy to win in MTW:

    1) Units are extremely sensitive to the death of their general.
    2) Even basic archers are extremely powerful in MTW and can quickly bring down both Royal Knights and Cataphracts. Once you get crossbows it's just overkill, though you don't get those until 1205. Pavise Arbelests are just monsters on the field of battle.

    Have your archers focus fire on the enemy general and he is usally dead before he reaches your lines, 2 or 3 units of archers doing this is enough. Makes most battles quite easy. Don't forget to give the Great Khan the same treatment when he shows up!
    Last edited by |Sith|Galvanized Iron; July 01, 2015 at 07:50 AM.
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  3. #3
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: Battle tactics

    Galvanized offer some valid points...

    All the same, I think it is worthwhile to point out here that MTW-tactics are rarely static or universal (despite all things, including my usual criticisms on raw MTW and its over-standardized designs etc. etc.) - its (still) typically shifting and specific to circumstances. Ever shifting from battle to battle, even with the different stages within any given battle AND also dictated by the troops actually deployed in that battle (enemies and friendlies alike). It is knowing your troops/units and what you can actually expect out of them. Knowing what is basically their breaking-point... Knowing your enemy and what you can expect from them. Its basically stuff you can neither fake or cheat your way through, as it is essentially a skill earned by experience more then anything else. Sure, various solid doctrines, some healthy principles and sound general advice helps, no doubt - but - it will never compensate for plain old experience. Experience is king, and its that more then anything that makes a skilled commander/player in MTW, or so I believe...

    That said, if you could more closely specify what you actually had in mind, I’m sure people here could cook up
    some solid answers and advice for you on that note... Or to discuss any specifics in greater detail, if so desired...

    - A

  4. #4

    Default Re: Battle tactics

    Higher ground is extremely important, since soldiers outright cannot run uphill, and charges are greatly weakened. The range bonus to missiles is big as well, and combined with decreased speed means skirmishers on a hill can get a great deal more shots in. If you see a hill between you and the enemy, run for it.

  5. #5
    Fenix_120's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Battle tactics


    Something that really helps me is to be sure to use your units like this.

    Melee units who start the fight out of formation( Men-at-arms, Viking Carls, Urban militia etc) you need to fight with thin lines, hold down the mouse button and drag and make your men have about 2 men deep, what this does is it lets your men surround the enemy and not only will this make moral go down faster they will actually do more damage, do a few custom battles on an even map of men-at-arms vs. spearmen, leave them in their default formation and attack, note how many men you killed and lost on average, now do it again with your men two ranks deep and see it will be much better.

    If your men fight in formation, keep your ranks as deep as the "Best in" says on the unit card, for an example most spear men say "fight best three ranks deep" or some such so put them three ranks, pikemen fight best four ranks deep so put them four ranks, keep in mind if your men are in the back they cannot engage in the battle, but they are still losing stamina and moral as if they were, their is no reason to conserve men in this game.

    The other thing to keep in mind is that just because a unit stat wise is stronger does not mean its better, at first glance Catholic Knights appear to be vastly superior to anything the Muslim or Orthodox world has to offer, until you realize the difference from disciplined and un-disciplined units (HINT: if you are Catholic keep your general alive lol)

    At first glance Ottoman infantry appear to just be feudal men-at-arms with a bow, but they also pierce armor.

    Byzantine infantry stat wise are some of the worst swordsmen in the game, but due to the fact that they have 100 men in a unit as opposed to 60 and they are disciplined and armored, they are the best early age infantry unit in the game if you use them right (two ranks deep)

    And one last piece of advice, Marry your heirs.

    I have lost many games just due to the fact that i had no one who could be king, I play as HRE alot now XD.
    Last edited by Fenix_120; July 01, 2015 at 04:04 PM. Reason: A GOD DAMNED MOOSE TOLD ME TOO!

  6. #6
    |Sith|Galvanized Iron's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Battle tactics

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Galvanized offer some valid points...

    All the same, I think it is worthwhile to point out here that MTW-tactics are rarely static or universal (despite all things, including my usual criticisms on raw MTW and its over-standardized designs etc. etc.) - its (still) typically shifting and specific to circumstances. Ever shifting from battle to battle, even with the different stages within any given battle AND also dictated by the troops actually deployed in that battle (enemies and friendlies alike). It is knowing your troops/units and what you can actually expect out of them. Knowing what is basically their breaking-point... Knowing your enemy and what you can expect from them. Its basically stuff you can neither fake or cheat your way through, as it is essentially a skill earned by experience more then anything else. Sure, various solid doctrines, some healthy principles and sound general advice helps, no doubt - but - it will never compensate for plain old experience. Experience is king, and its that more then anything that makes a skilled commander/player in MTW, or so I believe...

    That said, if you could more closely specify what you actually had in mind, I’m sure people here could cook up
    some solid answers and advice for you on that note... Or to discuss any specifics in greater detail, if so desired...

    - A
    Indeed, what I presented was merely the closest equivalent to an effective standard tactic that works in most scenarios. It is however true that it doesn't always works since sometimes you face infantry generals or the enemy simple keeps his general far back (rare occasion, but it does happend).

    Another thing with MTW is of course that the terrain contains so much variation on every map that having the enemy line up on perfect ground for your tactics is a fairly rare occasion that calls for celebration. This makes defending a whole lot easier than attacking. In later TW titles you usually always get to fight on nice flat and open ground which makes tactics more standardized.
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  7. #7
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: Battle tactics

    Quote Originally Posted by |Sith|Galvanized Iron View Post
    Another thing with MTW is of course that the terrain contains so much variation on every map that having the enemy line up on perfect ground for your tactics is a fairly rare occasion that calls for celebration. This makes defending a whole lot easier than attacking. In later TW titles you usually always get to fight on nice flat and open ground which makes tactics more standardized.
    As I understand it, both terrain, climate and the weather are very much active factors in MTW-combat, with various bonuses back and forth on troops. I wonder if that is true in the same way for any later TW-games? I honestly have no clue, as I barely play any of them (generally speaking). If not, then that will also be relevant in this broad/vast topic, depending on the various circumstances, of course. Rain, for instance, being usually more good news for the attacker. Woods usually providing good and useful terrain for a defender etc. etc.

    Regardless, if Matt could find it in him to actually specify what he had originally in mind, we would not need sit here and doing speculations over what he supposedly wanted to discuss - but instead provide some solid posts on that very thing, whatever it was... From what I seen here so far (amongst the posts), I think its safe to say that the will to help out certainly exists here, and the know-how for it is also around...

    - A

  8. #8
    .L.'s Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Battle tactics

    Also, use longbows/janissaries and just shoot everything to death.

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