Thread: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

  1. #8961
    Antiokhos Euergetes's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    Fantastic, it is when you see all the "little" details and contributions that you realise just how much goes in to making just one unit. Amazing.
    Edit: Are we going to see a specific model for Arab sheikhs? Obviously the caliph of Bagdad would never show his face in battle in this period.
    Last edited by Antiokhos Euergetes; May 15, 2022 at 10:38 AM.

  2. #8962
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Antiokhos Euergetes View Post
    Fantastic, it is when you see all the "little" details and contributions that you realise just how much goes in to making just one unit. Amazing.
    Edit: Are we going to see a specific model for Arab sheikhs? Obviously the caliph of Bagdad would never show his face in battle in this period.
    True. In our time frame Abbasids declaired their Emir as the Caliph over the Caliph of Damascus. The Caliph of Damascus was like the Emperor of Japan .No real political power and that is why all Emirs were de facto indipendent officialy though declairing their loyalty to Caliph of Damascus. So in game Islamic factions will have Emirs instead of kings fighting to "unite" the Muslim world under their power and become the real Caliphs! Like 15th century Shogunn and Damiyos! This (the unification of the Muslim world) will be any Islamic faction player's task inorder in 1071 to be victorius!
    EDIT: I PMed this guy to help us in settlements but i do not trust a hope.
    Last edited by AnthoniusII; May 15, 2022 at 11:41 AM.
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  3. #8963
    Antiokhos Euergetes's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    I pray for a positive response
    Maybe we finally see the city of victory in Thessally
    Last edited by Antiokhos Euergetes; May 15, 2022 at 12:08 PM.

  4. #8964

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    When launch the game, there is the intro video with the "Lechfeld bei Augsburg" scene. Does anybody know the name of the music track? It's something like medieval fiddle. It's just awsome!

  5. #8965
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    Importing the new models in game of Islamic faction I use the curent data version to play a campaign! Something funny. Did you know that Tolkien's Dunentain people were the Middle age Romans (Byzantines)? Don't you beleive me? My Emperor Basil I that starts the game after 171 turns is 102 years old and leading a campaign against Crete!
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  6. #8966

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    Yeah as mentioned there is an issue with aging... People seem to live twice as long as they should, which can make for a messy game, especially since everyone becomes drunk and senile

  7. #8967
    Antiokhos Euergetes's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    I keep waiting for a suitable Φωκᾶς Phōkâs family member to lead my Krete campaign; it sometime can be a long wait.

  8. #8968
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Antiokhos Euergetes View Post
    I keep waiting for a suitable Φωκᾶς Phōkâs family member to lead my Krete campaign; it sometime can be a long wait.
    In my campaign Phokas family is not bigest one nore the 2nd..."Unknown" famillies had more children and now they have douzens of generals. I tremple in the possibility one of them will follow Scleros or Phokas famillies in to the main rebelion event and that will mean that i will lose my best armies!
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  9. #8969
    Antiokhos Euergetes's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    yes great military family the Phōkâs might be, Bardas aside, but rebellious does not even come close to describe them

  10. #8970
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    270 turns with the curent data version.
    In the up comming data the time that Ellite troops will be redused from 50 turns to 30 and the option to have a general on every city from the start will be removed.
    The reduse of the time before another ellite troop will e available has to do with the abillity for AI and Player to retrain ellite troops that sufaired casulaties but gathered precius battle expirience.
    Even for the provincial troops the ratrain of battle hardened troops after a victory or defeat offers much more that to recruite double ammount of frash sae units.

    The army above is not expirienced enough....It guard Tarsos.
    This army though started its journey by defeatin all Pavlician armies, passed from Constantinople to recieve better armors, fought two rebelion usurpers and re-conqured Sicely (there is a 2nd similar army).

    Those units passed alot of retrainings and armor upgrades. So if you have units with exp is better to retrain them.
    Finally this is not a south european city but _tartaros_ successful convertion of a south european city into a permanent stone fort.

    We have some problems with teh Roman settlements but we had an offer of help in about a month. Untill then I continue to create the Islamic factions attachement textures (shields) inorder TGC 0.98.C will be soon released.
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  11. #8971
    Antiokhos Euergetes's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    Brilliant stuff, I have become very obsessed with keeping my armies and retaining. Much the same as generals and Fms there's a history to each one, very much adds to role play. Awesome

  12. #8972

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    Looking good! Can't wait for the release.

  13. #8973

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    I always found re-training gimmicky and unrealistic. The realistic approach is to merge an inexperienced unit with an experienced one. The overall experience drops, but that makes sense. It never made sense to that you can retrain a unit of 5 people back to 160 strength and the other 155 suddenly have the same battle experience as the 5 that remained alive

    But i can understand the idea, don't really mind it either, it's fun from a gameplay perspective.

    Are you guys getting close to a new release?

  14. #8974
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleitus the Pink View Post
    Looking good! Can't wait for the release.
    Me too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Anubis88 View Post
    I always found re-training gimmicky and unrealistic. The realistic approach is to merge an inexperienced unit with an experienced one. The overall experience drops, but that makes sense. It never made sense to that you can retrain a unit of 5 people back to 160 strength and the other 155 suddenly have the same battle experience as the 5 that remained alive

    But i can understand the idea, don't really mind it either, it's fun from a gameplay perspective.

    Are you guys getting close to a new release?
    Close is kind of relative ...
    As you can see in my previus post.

    Quote Originally Posted by AnthoniusII View Post
    Thank you for the courage you give me to keep going on. Now that 3 of the 4 "heavy" comon Arabic consept is ready is time to start adding weapons that will clossify them.
    We had a large variety of shields made by the two best skinners ever came to TWC , Leif Eriskon and Pacco but when we start making our placeholders Koultouras had no choice that to shrink many of them inotder to fit in one attachment texture.
    Luckily 3/4of them i have them in their original size and Paleologos provided us with many more. 1/3 of Paleologos shileds already exist in TGC but he created some realy unique ones too.
    The problem now was to copy those paterns , reganerate the "leather" that Leif Eriskon based his creations and create shields of the same style.
    Here the original PSD (photoshop layered sample) of paleologos:

    And here is my version ussing Leif Eriskon's "leather " painting the patern on it.
    I am in the phase to separate the shield paterns for each Islamic factions.
    I need at least 20 of them plus 2-3 comon and 3-4 recolored with the faction's colors. When this will happen then its time to finalise each Islamic Faction Unique units that only Crete has and Abbasids and Tullunids have only few.
    Unique and comon in few cases will be the Palace units too. What i can tell is that Islamic factions will have the bigest variety of units from all factions.
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  15. #8975
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    Last CTD was in turn 165, now i am in turn 375 aka 210 turns without a single CTD. That is a new record. By mistake the curent version shows HRE empire to invade East Frankia despite the fact that Miquel_80 had a script of instant change of faction , dynasty , units and symbol. We hope with the next release we will have this fixed.
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  16. #8976
    Antiokhos Euergetes's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    Thats good Keep going, I am sure it can not be too painful too play

  17. #8977
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Antiokhos Euergetes View Post
    Thats good Keep going, I am sure it can not be too painful too play
    In the case of Lombards i followed Dr Eugen Webber's lecture.

    After secured Aegean sea by defeating Cretan Emirate the boost in my economy viua sea trade was enormus. After many painfull defeats by Lombards I followed the way of money (bribe smaller armies to cut off the re-inforcements of the mauin armies and city by city i defeated Lombards.
    Money helped buy "allies" such Pechenegs that with this "investement" i avoided another powerfull enemy.
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  18. #8978
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    Damn this campaign with the latest version I play coyld becoem a great AAR story. In turn 395 Dorystolon (Bulkgarian name Preslavets) in the Danube shores after taken from Bulgarians it rebeled by a Usurper.
    Constantinople has the Emperor, the Eparch and 4 other young generals sons of nobles with 2 units of Siphonatores and teh recently available Athanatoi . Sudenly two full stack Usurper Armies with capapults attacked the city. the Generals and Athanatoi with "camicaze " attacks managed to kill the catapult crews with heavy loses. But the city was saved. Witout catapults they started a journey north to Dorystolon but an army of mine stoud beforee them It was a crashing defeat but the remains of the army retreated to the nearest city. Then the Diplomat had h8s chance ,He bribed one of the rebel general and now he will face the Usurpers army !!!Damn id I knew that after turn 165 I would not have CTDs i would make an AAR!
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  19. #8979
    Antiokhos Euergetes's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    That sounds like a great campaign. I think I need to start a new campaign. I keep looking forward to fighting the Normans, a long wait

  20. #8980

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts main discussion thread. Please post here!

    I have one small question... I love the campaign model for Constantinople, i think it's the best custom model of them all in every mod, i think Miszel really outdid himself there.

    I do wonder if you guys would plan to remove the Galata tower though. It seems really out of place, it wasn't built for another 500 years.

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