
Forum: XAI: Attila

  1. Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
    Content Director Citizen

    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    New blood for TWC? You, perhaps?

    Members of TWC, this fine site could not exist without your support. No I'm not begging for money: rather, if you have some time to spare and interest in helping tidy up the place, I ask that you take a look at our recruitment thread. In-staff, assisting, or just helping tidy up, anything is appreciated!

    Good fortune to all, whatever you decide.
    With great power, comes great chonky dragons to feed enemies of the state. --Targaryens?
    Spoiler for wait what dragons?

  2. Hader's Avatar Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse.
    took an arrow to the knee spy of the council

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Want a Forum for your Mod?

    If you have a mod and would like a subforum for it, private message a Modding Hex. Links to the profiles of the current Modding Hexes can be found on the staff list.

    *subject to the discretion of the administration.

    Requesting a forum; First you must open a thread in the mod threads forum (here) or provide a link to an existing thread here at TWC for your mod, the thread is required to run for a period of no less than three months before review (depends on amount of work done). This is so the Administration can see how your mod and team is progressing, there is no guarantee that you will be successful in obtaining a forum at the end of this period. *Evidence of substantive areas of work actually completed in game ready format will be required - proposals at research stage only are unlikely to be granted forum. Links to external Mod sites will be taken into consideration.

    It is also suggested you read this thread.

    If you are successful you must provide the following;

    Mod Subforum Header

    Mod Name: The mod's full name (and it's acronym in parentheses, if it has one), hyperlinked to release thread.

    Platform: (ETW/(Expansion?)) - Your mod's main platform. If it can also be played on other platforms, list these afterwards in parentheses.

    Era: The mod's timeframe and setting in 5-7 words.

    Description: Short Mod description, max 40 words.

    Latest Build: Mod's latest main build release name/version.

    Latest Patch: Mod's latest patch release name/version.

    Team Leader(s): Name(s) of mod leader(s), hyperlinked to TWC profile(s) if existing

    Team Members: List of other team members, hyperlinked to their TWC profiles if existing

    Wiki Page: Link to the mod's TWC Wiki page. (Optional)

    Mod & Team

    Mod Title: Full name of the mod

    Mod Description: Description of the mod's planned purpose, timeframe, features (150-300 words)

    Mod Leader(s): Name(s) of Mod Leader(s) and links to profile page.

    Current Members: List of current team members and profile pages, where available

    Team Positions:

    * Coding: Name and pp of team's coder(s)
    * Modeling: Name and pp of team's modeler(s)
    * Skinning: Name and pp of team's skinner(s)
    * Mapping: Name and pp of team's mapper(s)
    * 2d Art: Name and pp of team's 2d artist(s)
    * Scripting: Name and pp of team's scripter(s)
    * Research: Name and pp of team's researcher(s)

    *Replace the italicised text with your own.


    Depending on the scope of your mod, you will imperatively need to fill some key positions with a number of stable "full-time" members. The type of positions and the number of required members varies depending on the mod's type, scale and purpose and also the members' apparent skill level. A member may fulfill multiple roles.

    Proposed Local Mods: Names of the proposed Local Moderators for the mod subforum and links to their profile page.

    *Replace the italicised text with your own.


    Remember you are expected to and given the trust to run your own forums, so chose carefully your chosen local moderators. Members who have outstanding warnings in any areas of TWC will not be given local mod privileges, but exceptions are subject to the discretion of the administration.

    Mod Status

    Research: Includes historical research, concept art, names, quotes, lore, general ideas etc
    Intended Level: None/Low/Average/In-depth
    Percentage Completed: None/Small/Average/High/Ready

    Units: Includes models, skins, animations etc
    Intended to use: Vanilla/Few Editions/Some Editions/Many Editions/All New
    Percentage Completed: None/Small/Average/High/Ready

    Campaign Map: Includes map files (heights, climates, ground types) text files (DR, DS) map textures, map models, resources etc
    Intended to use: Vanilla/Edited Vanilla/Borrowed/Edited Borrowed/New
    Percentage Completed: None/Small/Average/High/Ready

    Scripts: Includes campaign and show_me scripts
    Intended to use: None/Basic/Advanced/Extensive
    Percentage Completed: None/Small/Average/High/Ready

    2d Art: Includes UI cards, interface, banners, misc textures etc
    Intended to use: Vanilla/Few Editions/Some Editions/Many Editions/All New
    Percentage Completed: None/Small/Average/High/Ready

    Coding: Includes text files like EDU, EDB, DMB, EDCT, EDA etc
    Intended Complexity Level: Basic/Average/Advanced
    Percentage Completed: None/Small/Average/High/Ready

    *Replace the italicised text with your own, deleting the options that do NOT correspond to your mod's status.


    The purpose of this part of the form is to get an idea of the team's plans of the mod and how far along it is estimated to be in terms of content completion. Make sure your answers correspond to reality, it will not help the application if you provide inaccurate information.

    Should a forum become inactive for one month the administration will post a request for proof of activity from the mod team, this can be set at one week depending on the last post by a team member. If no reply is given at the end of the period set the administration will move the mod forum to the morgue, the mod will remain there until a team member requests reinstatement which will be held at the discretion of the administration.


    You are also invited to register your mod with the TWC mod register by filling in the form below and submitting it to Hader.

    Mod Registration Form

    =====Visual (if any)(size limit is equal to that of sig limits)=====
    Mod name:
    Release Status:
    Modfolder Overwrite: (If yes, state the extent to which vanilla is overwritten)

    Mod creator/Mod team leaders:
    *Mod team members:
    Mod Description (3-4 sentences):

    Other info on mod:
    Forums link(s):
    Download link(s):



    Here is a list for you to reference when deciding your mods permissions. Include this in the Permissions section of the Form.

    1: Permission statements
    This list of permission categories for work, for members to choose from when registering their mods, shall be posted and stickied in the official registry forum.
    Personal use only.
    This means that the creator wishes that under no circumstances can elements of their work be included in other mods, Permission may be sought but refusal is likely.
    Free to use.
    This means that all elements of the Creators work are free to use, though it is common courtesy to give accreditation.
    Permission by request only.
    This means that permission must be sought to use any elements of the creators work, this is to cover instances where the creator wishes to keep certain elements (ie; use of names) at their discretion.
    It is common courtesy to give accreditation to any work done by another modder which is included in your work.