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  1. Squid's Adventures in Home Renovation Part II

    Last time I left off at having added shelving to the garage which took the life of my first cordless drill. After that it was time to move on to other things. We had a home inspection done before we moved in so we knew that the attic didn't have as much air flow as it needed. This was not helped by the fact that our house was old enough that the soffits on the house were wood and the previous owners had painted (and hence sealed over) half the openings that had been cut and the other half had tiny ...
  2. Tag Team Tournament Day 5 (7-18-2015)

    Hello readers and hotseaters! Big turn today, took the gamble, this is going to pan out with either me killing House Arryn's faction leader or half of my armies being crushed :whistling my partner and I are taking land and exceeding expectations apparently, beware the youngbloods! Since my last post the SS aspect of the tourney has begun! Don't believe any turns have been played but I am prepared for some action packed turns from them, all is quiet in the Third Ageforums regarding the tournament. ...
  3. Tag Team Tournament Day 3 (7-15-2015)

    I'm back for a bit more posting! Since my last post the tournament has kick-started in the Third Age section with a 2v2v2 and a 2v2 respectively, now I don't know too much about Third Age hotseating but it's looking like the bracket over there is going to get very exciting indeed! With a few familiar faces to me I can definitely say that the tourney over there is going to shape up nicely.

    Back in the Westeros section where yours truly is battling for fame and glory there has been a ...
  4. The Tale of the Week Blog - TotW 240

    I feel I've been remiss. I realize that I told you about the hidden valley of the TotW, but gave you no map. Well, I must now stop being lazy and draw the map, but while I do that, here is how you can find the valley. If you find it, I'll see you there, and if not, come back here for the map.

    Directions to the valley:
    - Once you pack and enter into the vast lands of TWC forums, traverse a bit.
    - You'll then come across the Creative Realm.
    - There lies three paths. ...
  5. Tag Team Tournament Day 2 (7-11-2015)

    Hello again everybody, turn 2 arrived at my doorstep last night after quite a long day. Following copious amounts of coffee I played my turn, realizing that, yes, this is going to be exactly as hard as I imagined it would be! Nothing to report really from the other games and players, not much has happened as of turn 2 or at least has not been posted about, stay tuned for some soon-to-be exciting news of slaughter and lethal tactics!

    - Frosty