Downloads: Rome Unit Guide (PDF)

Rome Unit Guide (PDF)

Uploaded by - October 14, 2004
Author Author Soulflame
File Size File Size 720.4 KB
Downloads Downloads 48,683
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<b>This is version 1.2 of my RomeUnitGuide (PDF format).</b><br><br><b>---------------------------------Version History-------------------------------</b><br><b>Version 1.2 (released 19 October)</b><br>*Corrected stats for Chosen Swordmen (all factions) and Chosen Archer Warband (Dacia)<br>*Added pages for the mercenary units available in Singleplayer, and for Slave and Rebels<br><b>Version 1.1 (released 18 October)</b><br>*First complete release of the Unit Guide, including some changes to the Roman Section<br><b>Version 1.0 (released 14 October)</b><br>*Prelimenary release of the Unit Guide, included only the Roman Factions<br><br><i>Version 1.0 was downloaded 429 times&#33;</i><br><i>Version 1.1 was downloaded 1266 times&#33;</i><br><b>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</b><br><br><br><br>It now list <u>ALL</u> units in the normal (non modded) game, with the non-modded basic stats (of RTW v1.1). So if you modded some units, the numbers may be off.<br>It&#39;s 22 pages in total, including an introduction and Revision History+Contact page.<br><br>It lists all the buildable units per faction, per category, and has unit icons for easy reference for all the units. It includes all the basic stats of units (attack, total armor, charge bonus, secondary weapon attack, building requirement, turns to build, costs to produce and upkeep, and all special abilities).<br><br>Some of the special abilities are heavily abbreviated due to lack of space, but they should not be too difficult. The bracketed number + letter T behind cost indicate that a unit needs more then one turn to be build, with the respective number. If it says &quot;NA&quot; you can never build the unit, but you can get it through other means (like hiring with mercenaries, and senate mission with first cohorts and so on)<br>The best thing: it&#39;s only 1 page per faction&#33; (except the Roman factions, because they have 2 technology trees, thus.. for them; 1 page Pre-Marius, and one page Post-Marius)<br><br><br>This cost me the most of my weekend, so any comments are appreciated .<br><br>Cheers and enjoy&#33;<br><br>Soulflame<br><br><br>PS. There is also an Excel version of this file available shortly after this. <b>DO NOT GET THE EXCEL FILE UNLESS YOU HAVE ALTERED SOME UNIT STATS YOURSELF.</b> It&#39;s not pretty to look at, and it&#39;s lot bigger, which makes your download longer, and consumes a lot more bandwith from this site.<br><br><br>PS2. If someone has a large mod and want me to make a similar unit guide for their mod, I&#39;d be happy to do it, just contact me through the ways I explain in the pdf.<br><br>PS3. There is no PS4.




Steven the Victor
August 07, 2007 at 01:43 PM
this is awesome. thanks!!
October 28, 2018 at 01:51 PM
Rome unit guide was now available I came to know this when I open this blog that have a PDF file of this that was good. I need to download this so I got access from planet resume they was affiliated with them have access of it that was able to find the software.