Downloads: Watchtower Romana Project 1.0 (MED2)

Watchtower Romana Project 1.0 (MED2)

Uploaded by DAVIDE - January 24, 2011
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Hi everybody. I m and i made a brandnew mini-mod project, this time related to "roman watchtower" viewable on strat-map.... why am i doing this particular thing? simply because i always thought CA lacked in some "realism", especially in smaller things as a simple watchtower. Everytime i entered vanilla game with Roma, a sense of discouragement about "historically incorrectness" punched me in the face.. and it hurts

As u already know or remember, vanilla Roman tower's shaped as a very primitive little tower.. perfect for little sighting in the middle of nowhere / quiet places inside SPQR territory, BUT useless to sight in dangerous areas close to the limes or in interior zones, where "rebellion seed" is growing up faster

To show you the Roman engeneering on sighting, i make u see a a modern reconstruction of a tower at limes Germanicus, based on historical Roman accounts:

And this is the WATCHTOWER ROMANA 1.0

This could be classified as an early tower, in fact has just the palisade around as protection and not a stone blocks bunker protection/reinforcement. I reinforced the "trunk/body" of tower with vertical and horizontal axis, to protect the original structure against natural disasters as earthquakes etc and to distribute uniformely the weights, as it was in reality.

Here below, a closer detail of Roman style balcony + reinforcement axis

How it look like in MEDII

how it look like in RTW vanilla


- copy and paste the "watchtower folder" and txt inside .rar, inside med2 data...
if you are using vanilla med2, you are ready to play (too see tower you should play with Venice)
if you are using a mod, you should edit the txt giving the new directory to watchtower folder (in game, tower is used by Venetians, but whenever you want, you can replace strings with faction you want)


- copy and paste the "watchtower folder" and txt inside .rar, inside RTW data...
if you are using vanilla RTW, you are ready to play
if you are using a mod, you should edit the txt, giving the new watchtower folder destination via string...


Administrative NoteThe internal download link on this page is not valid anymore, should you have a valid download yourself or know of an alternative download link please contact a member of the 'Modding Staff' group.




January 29, 2016 at 03:29 PM
How can I download this sabmod