Downloads: EUROPEAN WARS 2


Uploaded by KLAssurbanipal - March 27, 2012
Author Author King Louise Assurbanipal, Salvo
File Size File Size 491.41 MB
Downloads Downloads 14,958
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'European Wars' - a realism-mod for 'Empire: Total War', taking us to the world of 18th century, considered one of the most important and interesting periods in history, as it brings many economical, social and first of all military changes. The most important military events brought by the age of enlightenment are Spanish and Polish Successions, The Great Northern War, The Scottish Jacobite Rebellion and The Seven Years' War. As you can see, this century brings much excitement and is excellent material for strategical game. 'European Wars' mod focuses on increasing the historicity of 'Empire: Total War', mainly trough adding some new, historically accurate units such as Prussian Leib-Garde Grenadiers, Hussars of Death, Polish Winged Hussars, French Mousqetaires de la Garde and many, many others!


1. Download European Wars
2. Unpack the file (f.e. with Winrar)
2. Open 'European Wars 2' folder
3. Copy 'EW.pack' to C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\empire total war\data
4. Copy 'user.empire_script.txt' to :
VISTA C:\Users\(Your User Name Here)\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Empire\scripts
XP C:\Documents and Settings\(Your User Name Here)\Application Data\The Creative Assembly\Empire\scripts

You can also launch EW2 with Mod Manager.


-Darth AI, Sound, Formations added,
-30 playable factions in both campaign and custom battles,
-Division to early and late line infantry for major/minor factions (Late Line Infantry available only after 'fire by rank"),
-Winged Hussars available for PLC in 1700,
-Winged Hussars are more effective, but more expensive,
-Courland and Georgia can no longer train Winged Hussar,
-Division to Hungarian and German Grenadiers for Austria (Hungarian are better in close combat, slightly worst at shooting and more expensive),
-France no longer trains Maison du Roi,
-Late Gardes Suisses recruitable instead Maison du Roi,
-Britain, France and Savoy can no longer train Household Cavalry,
-British Life Guards, French and Savoy horse guards are now early guard units,
-British Life Guards, French and Savoy horse guards need two turns to be build now,
-Streltsy are now missile unit,
-Mounted Tatar Archers available for Crimea in 1700,
-Ottoman Sekban Janissaries are now a missile unit (they are also more expensive)
-"No Names Bug" fixed,
-Polish Pancerni is now medium cavalry fighting with sabre,
-British Guard Infantry, Polish Trabants, Russian Life Guard, Mousquetaires de la Garde, Mosquetero de la Guardia del Rey, Gardes Francaises recruitable only in Europe now,
-Hungarian Grenadiers recruitable only in Hungary (only by Austria and Hungary),
-Polish Cossack Cavalry and Infantry, Polish Janissaries Guard recruitable only in Polish home regions,
-Crimean and PLCs cossacks have now 400 soldiers in a unit, they are cheaper now,
-Cossack Infantry can no longer form square,
-Crimean Khanate have now only two janissary units,
-Tatars are now cheaper,
-Colonial Line Infantry available only after Fire By Rank,
-Pirates available in custom battles,
-Bavaria and Savoy now train "Grenadiers Bearskin" instead of "Grenadiers"
-French Armoured Pikeman have now 400 soldiers in unit,
-Russian and Danish Bombardiers have now training level on "trained",
-Russian and Danish Bombardiers now available in early period,
-Polish Janissaries guard have now rank_fire ability,
-Early Standard Bearer for early units,
-PLC's late line infantry have now 275 soldiers in a unit,
-Early Prussia Line Infantry reloading skill is now lower,
-Pikeman have now early standard bearer,
-Britain can train late guard infantry, they also recieve one early guard infantry unit,
-British early guard have 275 soldiers in a unit, French early guards have still 300,
-Bavaria no longer have Horse Grenadiers unit,
-New Prussian flag (pollux578),
-Added proper localisation files,
-Early Swedish Infantry have bigger morale now,
-Sweden can train drabants,
-Denmark can train cuirassiers,
-Ottomans can train 20 units of Mounted Tatar Archers now,
-Austria can train only 20 units of Hungarian Grenadiers and Hungarian Line Infantry,
-Swedish Livegardets are better at shooting now,
-Division for early and late grenadiers for Prussia,
-Late Prussian Grenadiers aren't recruitable in drill school now, they are stronger and more expensive,
-Early infantry guards are stronger now, they are also more expencive,
-Prussia has now two types of dragoons: early and late instead of vanilia's "Dragoons' and "Light Dragoons"
-New Units Cards


-Early Line Infantry #15 - All Major Factions (+ Denmark, Bavaria, Saxony, Savoy and Portugal) per 1 unit; France 3 units (KLA)
-Pikeman #13 - All Major factions + Bavaria, Denmark, Saxony, Portugal and Savoy (KLA)
-Armoured Pikeman - France (KLA)
-Early Gardes Suisses - France (KLA)
-Late Gardes Suisses - France (KLA)
-Early Gardes Francaises - France (KLA)
-Garde du Corps - France (KLA)
-Mousquetaires de la Garde - France (KLA)
-Dragoons - France (KLA)
-Guard Infantry - Britain (KLA)
-Life Guard Cavalry - Britain (KLA)
-Mosquetero de la Guardia del Rey - Spain (KLA)
-Walloon Guard - Spain (KLA)
-Pancerni - PLC (KLA)
-Early Grenadiers - Prusia (KLA)
-Early Guard Grenadiers - Prussia (KLA)
-Early Guard Musketeers - Prussia (KLA)
-Early Guard Cavalry - Prussia (KLA)
-Late Dragoons - Prussia (KLA)
-Cuirassiers - Netherlands (KLA)
-Janissaries - PLC (max. 5) (KLA)
-Late Dragoons #2 - Denmark, Prussia (Salvo/gary)
-Early Line Infantry - Venice (Salvo)
-Bombardiers - Sweden (Salvo/KLA)
-Trabants - Sweden (danova)
-Vasgota Line Infantry - Sweden (Preussen Gloria)
-Swedish Guard Grenadiers - Sweden (Preussen Gloria)
-Late Line Infantry - Sweden (Preussen Gloria)
-Pikeman - Venice (Salvo)
-Cossack Cavalry - PLC (max. 10) (Salvo)
-Cossack Infantry - PLC (max. 10) (Salvo)
-12th Pounders - Crimea (Salvo)
-3 Janissaries units - Crimea (max. 10) (Salvo)
-Light Dragoons #2 - Bavaria, Savoy (Salvo/KLA)
-Guard Cavalry - Savoy (Salvo)
-Grenadiers Bearskin - Bavaria, Savoy (Salvo)
-Horse Grenadier - Bavaria (Salvo)


-Cuirassiers #4 - Austria, France, Prussia, Russia (KLA)
-Grenadiers #3 - Britain, PLC, Sweden (KLA)
-Foreign Infantry - France (KLA)
-Garde du Corps - Prussia (KLA)
-Household Cavalry #2 - PLC, Russia (KLA)
-Streltsy - Russia (KLA)
-Croatian Grenzers - Austria (KLA)
-Green Jackets - Britain (KLA)
-Early Line Infantry - Prussia (KLA)
-Cuirassiers - Prussia (KLA)
-Garde Du Corps - Prussia (KLA)
-Bosniaks - Prussia (KLA)
-2nd Hussars - Prussia (KLA)
-Hussars - Sweden (Preussen Gloria)
-Cuirassiers - Bavaria (Salvo/KLA)
-Cuirassiers - Denmark (Salvo/KLA)
-Light Dragoons - Denmark (Salvo/KLA)
-Regiment of Horse - Savoy, PLC (Salvo/33orion77)
-Early Grenadiers - Denmark (Salvo)
-Prussian Grenadiers - Prussia (gary)
-Late Line Infantry - Bavaria (Pom)
-Late Line Infantry #8 - Great Britain, Denmark, Netherlands, PLC, Austria, USA, Hanover, Spain, #2 Prussia - (Sir Cesar/33orion77/gary/Pom/jarnomiedema/)
-Jeagers - Prussia (gary)
-Foot Artillery - France (French Bourbon mod)
-Foot Artillery #2 - Prussia, PLC (gary/33orion77)
-Horse Artillery #3 - Netherlands, Prussia, PLC (gary/jarnomiedema/33orion77)
-Elite Artillery - PLC (33orion77)
-Elite Artillery - France (French Bourbon mod)
-Hungarian Hussars - Austria, Hungary (danova)
-Polish Winged Hussars - PLC (33orion77)
-Grenadiers - Netherlands (jarnomiedema)
-Highlanders - Netherlands (jarnomiedema)
-Hussars - Netherlands (jarnomiedema)
-Musican #2 - Netherlands, PLC (jarnomiedema/33orion77)
-Cavalry Officer #2 - Netherlands, PLC (jarnomiedema/33orion77)
-Infantry Officer #3 - Prussia, PLC, Netherlands (gary/33orion77/jarnomiedema)
-Holland Guards - Netherlands (jarnomiedema)
-General - PLC (33orion77)
-General Bodyguards - PLC (33orion77)
-Uhlans - PLC (33orion77)
-Militia - PLC (33orion77)
-Provincial Cavalry - PLC (33orion77)
-Guard Infantry - PLC (33orion77)
-Guard Infantry - Denmark (Sir Cesar)
-Hussars - Prussia (pollux578)
-Highlanders - Great Britain (Pom)
-Colonial Line Infantry #2 - Great Britain, France (Salvo/Danova)
-Dragoons - Portugal (Salvo)
-Late Line Infantry, Sevilla regiment - Spain (33orion77)
-Hungarian Line Infantry - Austria, Hungary (Sir Cesar)
-Guard Grenadiers - Russia (danova)
-Leib Hussar - Prussia (danova)


King Louise Assurbanipal
-Team Leader
-Major Skinner

-Major Scripter


Pack File Manager

-Darth AI, Sound, Formations
Darth Vader

Preussen Gloria
Sir Cesar

-Units Cards


Artwork by Polish artist Lacedemon (Mariusz Kozik):




March 28, 2012 at 12:46 PM
not working
March 28, 2012 at 05:09 PM
Please download this file and set like this screen:

April 04, 2012 at 10:37 AM
Since I can intalarlo in windows 7?. The step four I cannot do it because it me does not appear in the user appdata. Thank you of before hand and I wait to enjoy much this mod.
May 04, 2012 at 11:26 PM
pleace upload to MF orgamefront
May 19, 2012 at 11:02 PM
Could you please upload this mod to another site. The File Factory link is dead & the Speedy Share link requires that one sign up & pay a fee to download the mod.


May 20, 2012 at 11:44 AM
Can someone contact somehow King Louise? I'd love to play this mod, but first he has to reupload his work!
May 27, 2012 at 05:57 AM
You can thank me later
June 19, 2012 at 07:30 PM
Hello --

I just wanted to confirm: These add-ons work with the existing scenarios, and there are no additional scenarios included with the package. Correct?
July 14, 2012 at 08:40 PM
Hello, I've just noticed in the zip file the movie_ew2_text.pack and was wondering whats this is for?

Cheers on the effort to all the modders as well
July 21, 2012 at 04:52 AM
My Mod Manager looks different, I cannot choose anything from the list. I am using Windows 7.
October 10, 2012 at 02:21 PM
In case you're still checking, I can shed some light on this excellent looking mod.
@Kaplan: It's a modification, it changes tons of things, mostly units. So long as you don't have conflicting mods in your data folder you ought to be fine.
@Grasshopper: It's likely the localisation. You have to have it or you won't have names or descriptions (and the game *might* crash, I'm not sure on that).
@Camillus: You have to let the list load, then uncheck the box on the right that says "show all pack types" - the list will disappear, then the name of the mod pack will appear in a few seconds. Check that box and hit start.
November 30, 2012 at 12:04 PM
Links are down

Reupload please!!!

December 15, 2012 at 04:54 AM
Please, reupload the mod, because the link is dead!
December 29, 2012 at 01:08 AM
Please re up the link is dead.
January 08, 2013 at 03:19 PM
Link still dead. Re-up rapidshare please. Thanks