Downloads: Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy

Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy

Uploaded by Lanjane - May 30, 2019
Author Author Lanjane
File Size File Size 423.01 MB
Downloads Downloads 465
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New version 1.0.3 released 29.02.20


Lanjane's Barbarian Empires
Official supporting thread
Lanjane's Mini-workshop: UI cards for Rome - Total War
Rome - Total Music


Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy is a standalone modfoldered addon for a modfoldered mod
Lanjane's Barbarian Empires.
It doesn't require any of the Alexander expansion files though, just the EXE (see below).

Main features:

  • 3 new factions replacing Scipii, Brutii and Senate: Baktria, Epirus and Bosporan Kingdom
  • Cultures mechanics based on religions from BI
  • Hundreds of new skins in addition to 1000+ of original Barbarian Empires mod
  • Special edition of Mundus Magnus map tailored by Suppanut
  • Lots of new skins for auxiliary officers (for AOR troops)
  • DTW wooden walls
  • Polished design and consistent artwork style of vanilla Rome - Total War
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements to original mod, including new bodyguards, new unit skins etc.


Rome - Total Music is strongly recommended!

It was originally designed as a supplement for this mod, but released as a separate universal mod

Unpack content of the archive to your Rome - Total War folder. A folder NL_2 will appear inside your game folder, near EXE file.
It won't interfere with NL folder of original Barbarian Empires mod, do not overwrite it as they can work separately!
Make a shortcut for RomeTW-ALX.exe on your desktop, right click for Properties and add the following to the end of the "Object" field:
-nm -ne -show_err -noalexander -mod:NL_2
Example:"C:\Games\Rome - Total War\RomeTW-ALX.exe" -nm -ne -show_err -noalexander -mod:NL_2
Don't forget the space before -nm!
OR if you are using Steam:
Right click Rome - Total War: Alexander, Properties->Set launch options and add the same.
If you are using multiple Rome - Total War mods, you can add them all to Steam with different launch options. Just use button "Add a game" at the bottom of your game list, then "Add a non-Steam game", then found in the list and select Rome-Total War Alexander .EXE file from Steam version. This will allow you to launch the same Steam EXE with different mods, having full benefits of Steam overlay, game time count and screenshots.


- Most important!!! To avoid engine bug which is known as occupy/enslave/exterminate CTD, use the following trick: always play with "Follow AI movements" ON in the game menu, and when you just won a big battle which should result in conquering a settlement, quickly press Esc just after post-battle loading screen when you return to the campaign map and save the game before occupy/enslave window appears. Usually this trick will prevent the CTD in 99% cases.
- Try playing with NTCore's 4Gb patcher (LAA enable for RTW-ALX.exe), as it is reported to help with big mods though it may not be required.
- Initial building costs and construction times are high, but they can be progressively decreased by building trader buildings first. Use it as an advantage! Also use generals with recruitment cost discount traits as governors because unit recruitment costs are high too (not upkeep costs though).
- There's a game engine bug that will show unit info pictures white if there's more than 40 units available for recruitment in the settlement in campaign. This bug is pure cosmetic but annoying yet you still can view unit info pictures correctly in building tree browser tab, when you click latest stable/barracks/missile building in a tree and then right mouse click on the first unit string in the unit recruitment list.
- ne option from the shortcut is about Borderless window mode. If you don't like it, or your video card/monitor doesn't support that mode or it looks weird for you, remove -ne from the shortcut properties. Example: "C:\Games\Rome - Total War\RomeTW-ALX.exe" -mod:NL_2 -nm -show_err -noalexander. The game will run fullscreen and will rescale to fit your screen correctly.

If you found any bugs or have a suggestions, PM me or send a email to
You can also post your findings in any of the official forum threads.

P. S. campaign_map_reset.bat is used for clearing the campaign map cache. Don't delete this file, it will be useful for later patches if any.
It's recommended to run this file after installing any future patches.
Happy campaigning!


  • Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy


August 20, 2021 at 08:30 AM
Отличный мод Lanjane! Мне очень понравился набор фракций, ну и все остальное! Старая добрая классика!