Downloads: RTW City Growth Rates - Fay - v2

RTW City Growth Rates - Fay - v2

Uploaded by - October 02, 2004
Author Author RedKnight
File Size File Size 61.4 KB
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This file shows how long it takes a city to go from one level to the next, at the various percent growth rates in RTW. A zip file with an Excel spreadsheet and a .pdf of the same. It&#39;s the sort of thing you look at once and say &quot;huh, ok&quot; - there&#39;s not a lot here except to see that 0.5% REALLY sucks, laugh. Anyway - here are the precise numbers, assuming the growth rate always stays the same.<br><b>UPDATE</b> 10/22/04: Includes a nifty &quot;time to next city level&quot; calculator. All you enter is current population and growth rate.




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