Downloads: Building construction time realistic

Building construction time realistic

Uploaded by Xenomage - October 03, 2004
Author Author Xenomage
File Size File Size 132.6 KB
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This is is a mod that adjusts building construction time in an attempt to make it more realistic. The changes are not drastic and do try to to inbalance the game in any way. Essentially I looked at each building's cost and importance and asked myself 'how long would it take to build a structure of that size back then with a limited population of workers and slaves?'.

The result is that many simple structures like basic archery ranges and taverns were changed (I mean, it wouldnt take a year and a half to build a tavern, even with only a handfull of men working on it), while other buildings-larger and more important ones- like the varying levels of temples or Govornment structures had little or no adjustments at all.


- Basic structure's building time, ie; basic archery ranges, barracks, taverns reduced to 1 turn
- Medium/upgrade structure's, ie; larg stone wall, city barracks reduced 1-2 turns on average*
- Large/important structure's, ie; Imperial Palace, plumbing or Circus Maximus left unchanged or reduced by 1 turn -usually from 7 to 6*

* These reductions were determined by the difference in turn cost between a basic structure and its upgraded counterparts, as well as the complexity and size of the construction project in relation to its other upgrade levels, on the basis that the cost would not be as if a new entire project was started from scratch with each upgrade (as the game seems to be balanced) but rather that the current structure is expanded or improved upon. Renovations/expansions are generally faster and more efficent than if you tore the structure down and started over.

Be assured that key buildings and ones of great influence wont be springing up quickly, the average one requiring 3 years or 6-7 turns (the same as the original settings) and the same cost money wise (so even though you may be ready to upgrade you may find yourself waitng a few turns for the necessary income, meanwhile it wont take you 1 and a 1/2 years or 3 turns per building to establish the basic needs of a town.

This was done for me, based on my personal preferences, but it could spare someone a bit of time rebalancing it themselves if they have the same feeling I do about the default build times.





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