Animal Lovers, Inc.

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  1. Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Got a Half Chow/Half wolf named Bear & a Calico named Cloee. They fight like well...cats & dogs

    Keys to Success: Dazzle them with Eye Candy, Intrigue them with Content, and if all else fails... Blow them away with B..S...!
  2. Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Hi Armatus. Scarecrow and I were getting kinda lonely in here.
  3. Armatus
    Hi there, I'll add some pictures.
  4. Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Wow.. great pics Armatus.
  5. Armatus
    They are from the Iowa State fair, the fish are from the building of natural resources which features several aquariums with native fishes. The horse is one of the Budweiser draft horses. I missed them pulling the wagon too many people in front of my camera. There was a lot more to take pictures of, but we only stayed a few hours.
  6. Armatus
    Although the Human animal is one of my favorites, especially the female of the species here's a few of them from the State fair as well:

  7. Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Aaaah my brothers.. our numbers are growing...Armatus your photo shop stuff is wonderful, what fine Mid west beauties my eyes behold long live the recruit ment drive!! Welcome Walrus..let me go poke scarecrow and see if he's awake
  8. Armatus
    Glad to help out, here's more recruitment material
  9. Confederate Jeb
    Confederate Jeb
    I got drafted into this. I blame Mega Tortas.

    I'm sure I can find some of the pictures from where I work. I've got some good ones.
  10. Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Excuse my unforgivable absence & mistreatment towords You'all I've kinda busy with stuff like this..
  11. Scarecrow
    hey yall sorry i havent been on lately, been getting plans together to go down to be with my mate
  12. Scarecrow
    Ok lets see paintball stories. I am a 5 year veteran on a scenario paintball team. My team the Red Raiders has only been defeated twice. My latest game in Connecticut we were doing a Halloween game. Humans vs Vampires. I was on the himan side and we won 300-62.

    want to know anything else

    also my dogy got put down last week
  13. Armatus
    Hi there, sorry to hear about your dog Scarecrow. Hope it lived a good life.
  14. Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    oh Scarecrow..I'm sorry to hear about your puppy... it always takes me awhile to cope when that happens....

    Armutus...nice recruitment fodder....kudos..
  15. Skooma Addict
    Skooma Addict
    What about scales or exoskeletons? Do you love them too?
  16. Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Let's see'em!!!!!!!
  17. Skooma Addict
    Skooma Addict
    Monday!!! I gotta wait for my buddie to get back with his card reader so I can put my pics up.
  18. AlexTheGood
    Hello all! I have a Dog, 8 years old

    Glad to join the Group
  19. Armatus
  20. Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Mega Tortas de Bodemloze
    Welcome welcome Alex. Good to have you with us... What kind of puppy and wht's is nanme???
Results 1 to 20 of 134
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