Marxist Theory

  1. Saturn
    Please discuss, voice your opposition, and debate Marxist theory here. As always, remain civil at all times.
  2. harden007
    I engaged in a 9 hour debate on the economics of socialism and capitalism two days ago. The fellow I was debating kept constantly making statements along the lines of "you ignore all reality, which proves you are only interested in perpetuating the capitalist system!" Now as a typical socialist, not only was he the one ignoring reality but he obviously held belief in "Marx' Class Ideologies," whereby members of a particular class must hold a specific ideology bound to that class which cannot naturally be deviated from. What are this groups thoughts on this concept?
  3. TheCollecTOR
    Luckily none of you had any toughts on the concept on "Class Ideologies" as Marx never put forward such a concept... Neither Marx nor Engels put forward a doctrine of "members of a particular class must hold a specific ideology bound to that class ...".I find that anti-communism tend to be an extremely uneducated doctrine. This confirms it.

    If Marx and Engels felt that way about "Class ideologies", how the hell do you explain that they on the one hand were important members of the working class movement and at the same time neither of them were working class. Infact, Friedrich Engels was a Capitalist (that is, a factory owner).
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