Revival :D

  1. Remlap
    Just trying to get some new modelers into the guild as we seem to be lacking
  2. Wundai
    Hey just joined, it seems to be a bit inactive, but a good place to discuss... Black Buildings
  3. Remlap
    yes if we could ever solve them
  4. mamik_yev_konak
    More revival points for the 3DMG.

    By the way, can y'all say which programs you use?
  5. Remlap
    I use max mainly, but I own mudbox, milkshape, and blender.
  6. CounterPoint391
    I'm a Wings3D guy.

    Here's some of my stuff, and I don't bother with renders.... A friend recommended the group

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

  7. Remlap
    Those look great mate Now what exactly is Wings 3d? I have never heard of it.
  8. CounterPoint391
    It's a freeware 3d modeling program. It's pretty easy to use, although not as powerful as other programs. I may eventually move on to blender as I get more skilled....
  9. Remlap
    Well you do good work man
Results 1 to 9 of 9