Progress so far

  1. Ace_General
    Ok, Ive been really busy with American Varsity football and school, but we need to get our togeather

    So what do we have done so far and what do we need to get done
  2. Hetman Żółkiewski
    Hetman Żółkiewski

    -Rydwan designed a dismounted late dragoon
    -I'm designing a game logo (not to be confused with a tag)
    -Hopefully our 2D artists are working on the flags
    -I collected a lot of photos of period Polish arichitecture

    What we need done...

    -We need a world map to be made
    -We need to design and position the cities
    -We need the following units (and others)

    Mounted and Dismounted Armored Companions
    Light Hussars (to 1590 replaced by Early Dragoons)
    Early Winged Hussars (to 1600 replaced by Late Winged Hussars)
    Late Winged Hussars (last units in 1775 unless Poland doesn't get partitioned)
    Early Polish Dragoons (from 1590, replaced by Late Polish Dragoons in 1655)
    Late Polish Dragoons (from 1655)
    Zapororzian Cossacks (from ???? to 1647 unless the Uprising never happens, replaced by Registered Cossacks)
    Zapororzian Cossack Light Cavalry (from ???? to 1647 unless the Uprising never happens, replaced by Registered Cossack Cavalry)
    Zapororzian Cossack Tabor/Wagenburg (from ???? to 1647 unless the Uprising never happens, replaced by Registered Cossack Tabor/Wagenburg)
    Pospolite Ruszenie

    ...and many more that I might add later
  3. Ace_General

    Where only doing the seige of vienna

    Jerema, I am entrusting you to find someone to make a game map and set up the working factions of the Turks w/balkan allies, Habsburgs/HRE w/ german allies, and the Commonwealth with steppe/cossack allies
  4. Hetman Żółkiewski
    Hetman Żółkiewski
    I'll get right on it!
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