
  1. Heathen Storm
    Heathen Storm
    Hey there mates! I'm Heathen Storm, and i'm the mod leader of Heiğinn Veğr: Total War. Now I noticed that there were plenty of Judeo-Abrahamic faith groups on TWC, and one pagan Romuva group, but none others. So, I thought I would take the initiative and make it.
    So, here you can post who you are, and what religion you are as well! This is for friendly discussions and not for bashing other religions. You are free to post information about your religion in this forum, and who knows - maybe you'll gain some converts!
  2. Rydwan
    Good to see this group! I am a follower of the ideology of polish Zadruga, mix of slavic paganism, anti-judeo-christnainity, nationalism, racialism and pan-Slavism. Its old organisation created before World War II with own literature, traditions etc, now Zadruga is reborn and increases in the potency of. Zadruga going to revival paganism in Poland, and in all slavic world, also want create "Slavic Union", opposite to NATO, European Union etc.
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