Conservative Party

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  1. King Edward III
    King Edward III

    Personally while its a tragedy for her and her family its not news worthy at all.
  2. Carach
    i was sarcastic eddy. i still hate the guy and think its pathetic that he's trying to grab some votes by mourning over a dead reality tv star when he has better things to be doing.
  3. Babur
    yuh that was so pathetic lol

    he is trying anything for popularity,today he's been in New York.
  4. Каие
    ''I am a Conservative to preserve all that is good in our constitution, a Radical to remove all that is bad. I seek to preserve property, create prosperity and respect order. I equally decry the appeal to the passions of the many or the prejudices of the few. The Conservative party is nothing unless it represents, strengthens and upholds the institutions of this country.''
  5. Legio_Italica
    hail fellow conservatives! We must unite to eradicate the evil that is socialism!
  6. Каие

  7. Legio_Italica
    i thought you were a conservative by name-only Rome kb8. whats up?
  8. Каие
    I am.
  9. Каие
    OK guys th3new propaganda outlet to use;

    The new anti-terror billboards telling us all to spy on each other.

    Have fun!

    Here's an example.

  10. Carach
    legio italica: he is here, like me, because he despises new labour more than anyone else in the UK currently
  11. Incontinenta Buttox
    Incontinenta Buttox
    I despise them more. believe me.
  12. the Black Prince
    the Black Prince
    Just thought I'd post here to announce that I have been selected by my local conservative party association to stand for the party in a Parish Council by-election.

    Small time council I know, but its the second step on the political ladder, and will almost guarantee me selection for the county council in 2011!
  13. Каие
    Congrats man! Good luck!
  14. King Edward III
    King Edward III
  15. Babur
    Gordon Brown is a Nazi!:

  16. Каие
    Bout time
  17. Babur
  18. Carach
    TBP won the byelection btw guys, seeing as he hasnt updated u all here i thought id be the first to congratulate him
  19. Yorkshireman
    I've been looking through some of TBP's old posts. Once he's elected as an MP in a few years, I'm on the blower to the NOTW.

    Seriously, congrats.
  20. Babur
    congrats to Blackprince
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