Kosovo is Serbia

  1. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    I posted some more pictures and added the descriptions...
    I'll post more of them in the near future : )
  2. clandestino
    Vojvoda, you seems to be quite familliar with whole Kosovo affair, I was always interested what exactly happened at Racak, after all it was a pretext for NATO intervention.
  3. KaerMorhen
    Hi to everyone, good to be on light side of the force
  4. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Welcome KaerMorhen - the force is strong with you : )
  5. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    As for the clandestino's question about Racak, here's an article explaining what happened
  6. clandestino
    Thanks for the link, it's a real eye opener, I aready knew some facts but the pic of William Walker trampling the material evidences on the crime scene is shamefull, in the USA thing like that would be enough to dissmis trial. I read on the other place that when the Srebian forces have captured Racak observers didn't find the bodies, they found them tomorrow after the KLA have recaptured the village and called observers back. How is it possible that they missed 45 bodies first time when they came?
  7. GVP
    I support my Slavic Serbian brothers. Start having more kids and take it back.
  8. Panzerbear
    Kosovo je Serbia!
  9. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Welcome GVP & .Czar - It's nice to see some support from Slovenia for a change - we'll get on to the children-making ASAP : )
    And .Czar - I included you in the round call about a week ago, now I see I forgot to type in that lil dot in front yr. name, so It must have went to a different Czar... Anyway, good to have you both!
  10. Tzar
    Holly Kosovo is and will be part of Serbia!!!!
  11. clandestino
    Ha,ha I wasn't around here for couple of days due to children making duties, nice to see you all guys
  12. clandestino
    We should rename group in Stupid Serbian Nationalists group, that's how our friends from opposite group call us.
    I think that would be cool
  13. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    No it wouldn't - I mean I too will rather laugh than cry about it, but seeing what amount of inflamed Serbofobia is present in TWC in general, it is rather worrying, most of all because a lot of senior members and a lot of moderators are the spearheads of that Serbofobia - I thnk that we should report every such insult: I know it wont help on the short run, but it's important that we keep it official.
  14. clandestino
    I reported that Ali G guy for dozen times but no one cares about insults and flames around here, but hey we're used to unequal treatment, complainig around would make us look like bunch of pussies.
  15. The Noble Lord
    The Noble Lord
    There is a guy who constantly uses that "Serbian nationalists" remark, its not even funny any more. I guess, he's got nothing else to say.
  16. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    In this TWC conspiracy theory against us, I wonder who is the queen Elisabeth :hmmm:

  17. GVP
    Well if you want to make those idiots happy you could rename the group "The Balkan Genocid League"
  18. clandestino
    @Noble Lord: that's that Ali G guy that I'm talking about, I swear hi's stalking me, every time I post something he's right there with his: you Serbian nationalists, no one is scared of you...We should all put him on ignore list or write a petition to moderators to bann him.
  19. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone made that profile for the sole purpose of flaming us
  20. clandestino
    Well it seems like that.
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