Kosovo is Serbia

  1. The Noble Lord
    The Noble Lord
    Yeah, I know what you mean. In those few threads every time one of us post something, immediately afterwards there is that "you Serbian nationalists" and "nobody is scared of you anymore". Its like somebody is deliberately waiting so it can post those remarks.
  2. Agisilaos
    they should look in the mirror to see who are the nationalists. ferrets and so many english - americans pretend the only guys who know the truth in every matter. does not matter if it is about kosovo, greece or anything else, if u do not agree with them u are a nationalist etc.
  3. Tzar
    Yes my friend, I agree with you
  4. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    we are closing in on our rivals lead - there only 3 members ahead now, we should take every opportunity to invite more people... I'm sure many more people support us but they don't know about the group...
  5. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    : Welcome phoenix and Thule - good to have you with us

  6. Stevcho the Serb
    Stevcho the Serb
    Oh boy this group has grown!
  7. Thule
    "Better found you, Vojvoda"
    Nice to be here, nice to see a lot of people too .
  8. Tzar
    I would like to thank my Norse Brother - Ataegina for joining this group!
    And all others of course
  9. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    : Welcome Ataegina! Welcome Alex_Peresvet!

    And let's hear it one more time for all of our Greek friends here:
    -karakalos10 *HURAA!!!!*
    -Agisilaos *HURAA!!!!*
    -Giorgos *HURAAAA!!!!!*

  10. Marcus Septim IV
    Marcus Septim IV
    last time i checked (6 seconds ago) Kosovo was Kosovo sec let me check again maybe it became serbia...ups sorry its still kosovo
  11. Tzar
    Well Kosovo is Kosovo like Rome is Rome!
  12. BigWhiteWolf
    I support Serbians who pay biggest price in the 20th century to defend their lands!!!
  13. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    : "There'sch an old Serbian schtory, goes like this":

    When the Turks pushed to subdue the Serb tribes that were still holding out in Montenegro mountains, seeing that alpine warfare will cost them dearly, they first offered a deal to one of the chiefs - his tribe will pay just one coin per year as a token to their loyalty to the Sultan, and they would be left their autonomy on that particular mountain.
    The chief declined, Turks attacked and eventually defeated the tribe and captured the chief and his son. In order to punish him for his insult, the Turkish commander orders that the chiefs son be skinned alive in front of him.

    So they start skinning the boy - and the kid cries out:
    "Father, father, what are they gonna do to me?!"
    And the chief says:
    "Don' worry son, this will pass in no time, but that coin would have lasted forever!"

    : "You schee, that'sch how we raise 'em out here, no point in feeding them if there gonna turn out to be a bunch of wussies"
  14. Tzar
    More and more members see light on this forum and join this group.
  15. Kaiser Wilham
    Kaiser Wilham
    I support the territorial integrity of Serbia, which george bush obviously does not respect at all, On the first week recognized Kosovo as a independent country. He rants on about his own supposed support to respect the sovereignty of all nations but really just supports the ones that are puppets of the US and those that the US has military bases in. I am also against what looks like the reversion of Europe back into the decentralized feudal states of Europe of the 12th century that is starting to take trend.
  16. Tzar
    Thanks for support Wilham!!!
  17. Ataegina
    I would like to thank my Norse Brother - Ataegina for joining this group!


    regards from norway, well kosovo is serbia and nobody can denied this !!!

    - first kosovo was always part of serbia
    - just because theres a huge number of albanians THIS can't be BUT NEVER BE a pretext for independence, or one day cities like NY or LA ill be splited into chinatow country, italian.......german......jap......
    - also this seems we're returning to a new cold war ........ each side grabbing some piece of land EU-US kosovo, russia georgia....
  18. Ampra
    Just to sa hello Kosovo is Serbia
  19. phoenix[illusion]
    Косово је Србија

    Бог чува Србе!
  20. clandestino
    Nice to see you all guys, I was in Montenegro recently and I'm happy to see that there is Kosovo je Srbija graffiti on each wall, even in Ulcinj!!! One more artificial border on Balkan...
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