Kosovo is Serbia

  1. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    I've just added the link to this group in my sig!
    I suggest as many of us as possible do the same... and I commend clandestino with +1rep for suggesting it in the first place....
    Now, how do you guys like my new sig ???
  2. Aziel
    Kosovo is Serbian.
  3. clandestino
    Thank you Azael, nice to see some support from Israel, the nation I personaly respect and admire a lot.
  4. Heathen Hammer
    Heathen Hammer
    Мы с вами, братья славяне!
  5. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Welcome HailThor and karo - good to have you with us
    : ''эй славяне, вы все еще живы!''
  6. Vit1982
    После потока лжи и клеветы, приятно читать слова, которые объединяют братские народы и республики. Спасибо товарищи, что Вы есть даже там, где царит глобализм и призрачные цели!!! Спасибо!
  7. clandestino
    And just to show that our points about Kosovo, as ''state'' founded by terrorist financed with drug money, are solely based on the facts:
  8. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Dear friends, as you may have noticed the ''Kosovo thread'' has once again came under attack by some of the biased moderators of TWC...
    The thread has been moved to the political academy where it does not belong, it is my belief that this has been done with the intention of turning attention away from the subject and with intention to provoke the members of this group....

    I have created a thread about this in Q&S, please go there and voice your protest about this:
    Thread moved to pollitical academy that does not belong there

    I also would urge that we organise ourselves and file an official complaint about this...

    This s not the first time something like this hapens, earlier this year an attempt was made by Farnan to completely close down the thread , but we managed to counter his decision....

    Please do not let this censorship go that easy, we should not be treated like second rate members here just because the majority of the moderators here are against us....

    please voice your protest about this...
  9. Vetinari
    You can really count with us, our south brothers. Our country have not recognized this pseudo-state and I hope it will not happen.
    Kosovo is Serbia
  10. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Thank you Vetinari

    .... and a big thanks to all of you who voiced your protest about the removal of the Kosovo thread!
    The thread is now back in the mudpits where it belongs!

    It really points out the practical purpose of this group and furthermore it is the very first visible action that we accomplished together successfully as a group!
    So, once again, gimme5 !!!

    : ''This is a small step indeed for reintegrating Kosovo in Serbia - but it's a giant step for the TWC ''Kosovo is Serbia'' group!''

    : ''That's my children, you've made your grandpa very proud!!!''
  11. clandestino
    Good work Vojvoda,I also want to thank all members who protested against that decission!
  12. Milos98
  13. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    In my opinion, the only force that we should apply for the time being is the defensive action in case that the Eulex tries to enter by force.... if the Serbs in K.Mitrovica are attacked again by KFOR, Serbia should step in to defend them - covertly and/or overtly...

    But I think that publicly denouncing the use of force (however much weak that we actually are) was a mistake of both previous and the current Serbian gov. It was practically interpreted from the part of KLA and NATO as crying uncle.
  14. clandestino
    I agree with Vojvoda and I already informed Milos that I wan't ,as group moderator, tolerate any advocating of violence in this group, the best force we can use is force of law,justice and common sense.
  15. Milos98
    I wasnt supporting war, we would be chrushed like Georgia, I just said that it is very hard to keep Kosovo in Serbia with diplomatic way ( If we take a fact that more than 50% Serbs would rather be in EU than have Kosovo ) . And I really dont think its necessery to defend Serbs attacked by KFOR, because it would mean unecessery war ( which would be a catastrophy ) and bloodsheed, evacuation would be more suitable. If 200 000 Serbs imigrated from Kosovo, it wouldnt be problem for Serbia to accept another 50 000. Im just trying to be realistic, as we are in really hard position anyway,
    Kosovo is Serbia.
  16. clandestino
    I agree with Milos on this one, if Albanians decide to finish the genocide they started in 1999. only thing we should send in Kosovo are reporters and TV crews to show the world the truth and hope that world wan't turn it's head on other way like they did before.
  17. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    I'm certainly not advocating for war, what I'm trying to say is next:

    -regarding the Belgrade stance: it sure as hell would be a suicidal move to attack, but it is imprudent to go about constantly saying ''we will not wage war for Kosovo under no circumstances'' - that's like saying ''fell free to declare whatever you want, feel free to submit the Serbs of Kosovo to whatever you want - we will not react''

    -regarding the possible violence over the Serbs: same thing,

    17th of March this year, UNMIK kidnaps the Serbian protesters, people rush to the streets, clashes start, Serbian KPS sides with the people...
    In the same time, Serbian defense minister rushes to give a statement calling the Serbs from K.Mitrovica a bunch of hooligans(!?!?!?!?!)
    So I'm on my way with my fellow students to KM to attend what I expect to be a peaceful protest to commemorate the exodus of 2004, I hear that the town is a war zone and the Serbs are being shot at by KFOR, UNMIK kidnaps our bus in order to prevent us from reaching the city, we literally enter in a Hollywood car chase choppers included - we get to the city to find it rampaged by the French war dogs - and after all that my own defense minister calls me a hooligan!!!
    I mean, I know that he is a trainee of the NATO Garmischpartenkirchen summer school and that he needs to be gentle with his former teachers, but that was just too freaking much!

    I know a whole lot of people from K.Mitrovica and I frequently go there...
    Nobody there is crazy to wish for any violence, but the rumors are that the Eulex is gonna come down hard on the Serbs... there's a strong possibility of arrests and beatings, of sealing the checkpoints that lead to Kosovo - of a virtual blitzkrieg to enforce the authority of Pristina over the north!
    What are we to do in that kinda situation? Send a tape to CNN? Are they gonna roll it as breaking news?
    If things go down this way, the 90% of the people in Kosovo will form a bitter and determined resistance, will the Serbian defense minister call them all hooligans or will he help them in any way?

    I honestly hope that a diplomatic solution will be found in the UN.
    Serbia has a government that was literally installed by the US embassy in Belgrade, one should think that they can persuade their mentors to go a lil bit easier on us, but what if they get a slap in the face and are told to shut up and suck it up?

    We have a grievous situation coming up very soon and I fear that the new Serbian gov. will play a negative roll in it.

    I sure hope I'm mistaking and they will find a way to handle things both smoothly and favorably for the people there.
    If that proves to be the case, than I'll shut up and I'll vote for them as long as I live, but if I'm right about them... then god help their souls.
  18. SrbLordMija
    I totally agree with Vojvoda Serbia has a Kwisling gov. and even with out them we have a very bad stand ! nato is the most powerful force ,but everything has an end so we should ceep resisting and going in that coalition is apsolutly out of question. The west ceeps seying that they want "peace" in the Balkans and even if they wanted that you cant make peace if the bigest country in the region is tormented .In that kace the peace will never come
  19. SrbLordMija
    Evacuation would be the same as holding up the white flag and that 50% is absurd .I hope this gov. passes away fast!
  20. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    The paradox about that 50% is this:
    It's actually 70% of the people that say yes to the poll Q:
    ''Should Serbia join the EU?'' -
    but on the Q:
    ''should Serbia enter EU if the condition is recognizing Kosovo as a state?'' - more than 70% says NO!
    And while both the EU and the new Serbian gov. officially go on and on saying ''recognition is not a condition for membership'' - simple logic implies that it very soon will be - and the actions of Bruxelles, sending in Eulex to enforce the Ahtisaari paper without the UN approval and without the consent of Belgrade - clearly speaks that EU is enforcing that condition as we speak
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