Kosovo is Serbia

  1. clandestino
    I don't belive that any Serbian goverment,including this one, would accept such condition, that would be political suicide not to mention that referendum about that question would be obligatory and we all know how that referendum would turn out.
  2. Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    Strategy for taking other people's lands:

    1. Convert to overlord's faith.
    2. ZERG RUSH LOL wanted land
    3. Convince president of USA who is drowning in his scandals that war will make Amerikkkan media forget
    4. ???
    5. PROFIT!
  3. clandestino
    4.sell drug and human organs to finance the whole thing
  4. Milos98
    Im afraid that communism turned people into sheeps, and soon they will forget Kosovo, just to make their lives better, so it isnt political suicide to accept EU in exchange for Kosovo ( There are some political parties that suggest it, and they are going pretty well ), its just a matter of time when majority accepts. International Court of Justice wont change anyones minds ( Except for some African states, which are not important ). Personally I am against entering EU, because I believe that every single country can improve its standard itself, and doesent need to begg for money from EU.
  5. clandestino
    OK friends there was a serious violation of ToS in Everything about Kosovo is Serbia thread:
    and no one of the moderators bodered to sanction this altough I filed two reports and contacted some moderators personaly. I suggest that all members of this group file a report.
  6. The Noble Lord
    The Noble Lord
    Clandestino, can you give more details about that violation on the thread?? And Milos98, I don't think that our people will ever forget about Kosovo. If they didn't forget it for 443 years then they shouldn't forget it now. Situation will change, in 10, 20, or 30 years, but it will. It happens all the time. The history repeats itself constantly.
  7. clandestino
    Well the ''beh PEACE is what you deserve peaceful serbians peace of Death'' part.
  8. SrbLordMija
    Milos98 i see you don't really get the political situation in Serbia !
    You say that Tadics regime is getting stronger
    He barely made the gov. with the socialists (the ones he was fighting before)
    he is clearly losing voters and the socialists most likely won't even be above the census in the next elections. And judging by the way they have started ,the elections will be very soon !
    And then who's left ?its shore not those traitors your talking about !
  9. Milos98
    Well Im pesimistic sometimes...
  10. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Tadic's regime lacks popular support but has strengthened the grip on Serbia considerably lately :

    1. political:

    Holds a majority of seats in all governing institutions from local to the republic parliaments, Vojvodina AP included, where they had allready set their minds of rewriting the statutes of the province in order to further detach the province from Belgrade. Holds Belgrade itself in coalition with the city's KLA branch - LDP.

    2. represive:
    Holds all institutes of repression, police and what's left of the army namely - and already they flexed their muscles in Belgrade killing a protester and shooting one of the opposition leaders in the head while dispersing the peacefull mass!

    3. economic:
    I don't even no where to start... you name it...
  11. clandestino
    OK no panic insulting post is deleted now.
  12. SrbLordMija
    Ya and you forgot the media . Serbia is in total darkness .Aaaa I can't see!!!!!!!!!!!!
    But every thing has an end and I'm assuming that this gov. is judged to fall .
    It's just a waist of time !!!
  13. The Noble Lord
    The Noble Lord
    Who wrote that thread?? The offensive one that was deleted.
  14. clandestino
    @Noble Lord:Markus Septimus, and he wasn't even punnished, post was just deleted without explanations.
    Kosovo is Serbia!!!!!!!
  16. Milos98
    Why are you all upset about some idiots post? It only shows how primitive and dumb he is.
  17. clandestino
    Thanks Spong!
  18. Kleomenis
    1 more supporter here
  19. Baron Vlad Felix
    Baron Vlad Felix
    Kakve rumundze! sta lupa ovaj alan ford......
  20. SrbLordMija
    E Djeticu puno si se mislio al dobro nam doso !!!
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