Kosovo is Serbia

  1. Nikitn
    Hey guys
  2. clandestino
    Hey Nikitin
    Just tell to those russophobes in Mudpit that USA started this mess first with it's recognition of Kosovo, Russia is just playing by their rules, we all understand that.
  3. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Hey Nikitin, good to see you here , I'd greet you with some of our famous smilies - but it seems that someone had cramped 'em again

    ...as for the Obama vs. McCain dilemma, there's no dilemma at all from the Serbian perspective

    During the Bush Kerry race, Serbs from USA (around 200 000 in Chicago only) massively voted for Bush, hoping that the Clinton people from the Balkan department will finally be replaced with some sane individuals.... and what did we get? - Bush playing it emperor in Tirana and stealing Kosovo for the KLA

    Obama? I call him O'Bayden - his alter ego vice president is a greater Schiptar than Taqi and Ceku combined!

    McCaine? Long time Shqiptari lobbyist....

    ...the Serbs have nothing to hope for from neither of the two, I'd recomend they should massively vote for the 3rd party candidate out of protest
    Dear Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    Unfortunately the problem and the whole issue is not the persons but the politics followed by the political system of the USA,presidents etc are just the announcers of the facts,they don't do anything,so the thing goes that it is not that they can't be fair but unfortunately they don't want,either obama either mcain there will be no difference for all of us
  5. Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    Dismounted H@Xx0rZ

    McCain has proven that if enough people yell loud enough at him and often enough, he'll change sides.

    Illegal Immigration: CLOSE IT UP

    I'm certain that, instead of getting every1 to vote for Bob Barr, just go to the debates and the convention and protest loudly enough.

    Or get on the news. Or spam his mailbox. Or raid his website.

    The key is simply SPAM SPAM SPAM. I'll see what I can dig up in terms of a mailing address. We should also consider publicity stunts, like pooling up money for .Czar to skydive onto the Statue of Liberty with a banner that says "KOSOVO IS SERBIA" or "KOSOVO = ALBANIAN LAND THEFT". Time to take the gloves off...
    Unfortunately the Usa system is like "Lernaean Hydra " (Lernaean Hydrawas the mythical monster killed by Hercules during his 2nd labour, it was a monster with a lot of heads and if someone was cutting one of them,another new head appeared in its place),you can't change it ,all politicians are just the mere heads and doesn't matter how many they are,they just are the simple heads in the main body.For example in the early 90's i still remember Clinton announcing that he will help Greece in the name dispute just before the American elections,when he was elected as president he did the opposite.It was not that he couldn't do anything or he was clumsy,but the interest of the system of the us was a good stronghold in the Balkans,then came in 1998-1999 the Kossovo issue and took the PART OF SERBIA and gave it to their second stronghold in the balkans. KOSSOVO WAS,IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE SERBIA
  7. clandestino
    QFT Comis, change of president wan't change USA foreign politics dramatically, main lines of that policy will remain the same cause their interests will remain the same.
    Yes clan this is what i believe.
    Kossovo was, is and will always be Serbia
  9. Probe
    This is great. We are getting new members every week it seems!
  10. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Hurray for Rusich!
    And welcome to the other two newcomers, I couldn't even establish who they are because there's so many of us now

    Note to everyone: someone erased all of my smilies
    It started with the Knight and the Grandpa and now they're all gone!...

    I'm totally depressed without them but I don't know who to complain to about this, and I even don't know if they were legal under the ToS in the first place...
  11. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    It seems that I've found a solution for the smilies - with the kind assistance of GreenEyed - I uploaded the smilies here and made a public album to host it, so they should be working fine now, here's the link - enjoy


  12. Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    Well I'm not about to give up that easily. Either one of two things will happen:

    1. Obama gets elected and ruins my country soo badly that rebellion will be inevitable. The south rises again and kicks all those corrupt idiots out forever (with a little help from Russia, China, and every other enemy that has been made over the years).

    2. McCain gets elected and fixes the country so rebellion will not be needed. Then we lobby congress for a withdraw of recognition of Kosovo (after a PR campaign to set the record straight, of course).
  13. Tzar
    @Vojvoda Dragutin Keserović -here is a few more

    @Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    I don't think so that any of that would happend but option 2 would be nice.
  14. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Good News, GreenEyedDvl will make some of them available for use in the TWC smilies list!!


    I respect your good will... but, regarding the No2, McCain is already a KLA lobbyist, there's an article about it in Kosovo thread MK1, I think there are slim chances of us getting any support with either of the parties in Washington....
    Let's face it, Shqiptar's outbid us with their drug money and already hold both parties in their pocket .....
    +Serbs are completely unorganized and fractioned and the bast thing we have for now is the Serbian Caucus and the Jatras guy on our side and that's simply not enough
    +geostrategical interests oblige the USA to weaken Serbia as much as possible

    So I remain a pessimist about the US Balkan agenda
  15. Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    Well, I don't put much faith in my Failovernment, either. I have come to see that rebellion in the name of the Confederacy would be the only option. I just hope that our soldiers have enough sense not to fire on their own citizens...

    But maybe if NObama is elected, he'll ruin this goddamned union beyond repair out of sheer incompetence. I would hope that when it hits the fan, Russia will be there. As well as the rest of Europe. Queen Victoria could have smashed the union navy.
  16. Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
  17. jimmy spong
    jimmy spong
    there is one nationalistic , where guy with "shajkaca" , hits the guy with white caps (albanian hats) , it is a bit offensive keep an eye on that
  18. The Noble Lord
    The Noble Lord
    Where do you find those smilies??
    @Vojvoda Dragutin Keserovic
    I agree that Serbian "lobby" is very disorganized in the US. There are even two high-ranking Republican politicians which are Serb, Blagojevitch who is the governor of Illinois, and George Vojinovitch which is one of the Republican party elder statesmen, and they are not coordinating their actions at all. They could've opposed that Albanian main lobyist Diougardi if they wanted to, but you get the impression that they were unwilling to do it.
  19. Tzar
    Thats not albanian white hat, we have bakers in Serbia who have that kind of caps, and other guy is just pised off because he sold him bad ice-cream.
  20. Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    I pulled a figure from Wikipedia. Apparently, Serbia is ranked #61 in terms of military budget spending. Just below Ireland, with both paying $1,200,000,000.

    Usa is ranked #1 (DUH) with $583,283,000,000. France is second.
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