The Moderation Thread

  1. Påsan
    Is this allowed? We can discuss moderation in our own bleedin' Social group right?
    Any case, I think we should have a group where we talk about our interpretation of the moderation of the MLP thread. Have some bulletins.

    - What are we allowed to discuss and what are we not? Particularly how much can we post fanbase that have an indirect link to the show rather than direct? (Twilights recent banning is a good example)

    - Is it just me or is the my little pony thread under extreme scrutiny by the mods? It is my impression that in contrast to other fanbases around here (Star Trek, 40k, Anime etc) MLP thread have much less room for talk.

    - The rather bad treatment we get by the mods, particularly in the Tribunal, snide comments and refusal to take members seriously because watching a family cartoon and being a guy is apparently creepy. Dunno what we can do about this but I seriously dislike it.

    So if there is issue or questions about moderation, take it here and we can talk about it, (Talk about moderation is illegal in the main thread as you all should be well acquainted with now) It is better that we have a common opinion rather than everyone rushing to the moderation thread when something happens, like what occurred when the Electric Bongoloo II thread got moved and shut down. First off though, anyone recognises any of my observations and have some of their own or is it just in my mind?

  2. Cahoma
  3. Cahoma
    - What are we allowed to discuss and what are we not? Particularly how much can we post fanbase that have an indirect link to the show rather than direct? (Twilights recent banning is a good example)
    I don't know. I would say we should be allowed to post art stuff and even memes, but there have been some disagreement about that. They are allowed to do so in the Star Trek thread, so we should to.

    - Is it just me or is the my little pony thread under extreme scrutiny by the mods? It is my impression that in contrast to other fanbases around here (Star Trek, 40k, Anime etc) MLP thread have much less room for talk.
    I agree. Like how I had a post saying "You bet your sweet ass I have!" edited to say "You bet I have!". Twilights punishment is another good point, as I don't he deserves it.

    - The rather bad treatment we get by the mods, particularly in the Tribunal, snide comments and refusal to take members seriously because watching a family cartoon and being a guy is apparently creepy. Dunno what we can do about this but I seriously dislike it.
    I wouldn't say we get a bad treatment by the mods. They usually make snide comments when people do a bad job defending themselves, and I wouldn't say Twilight has been doing very great.
  4. Påsan
    Well, the Thread should be about everything related to MLP, not just the show itself. After all, it was the fan contributions that cept this alive during the season break. Posting arts, comics, fanfics, youtube videos etc should be alright. Then again we cant have the thread degenerate into a general chat thread and be moved to the Devia. I dont think the mods are going to give much warning before moving us either.

    Comparing the moderation of the MLP thread comparing to the Star Trek or the Anime thread, not to mention the LOTR and 40k, where 70% of the posts are so spam and off-topic they would get deleted even in the Devia, we're a fairly well-behaved bunch.
  5. Tia
    I still think it was a bunch of when they told us not to post memes. They compared Star Trek (A show, well actually about 6 shows and 11 movies, and around 60 something years of content) with FiM (which has less than a year's worth). So what else were we supposed to post in the off season?
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