Comic Book Geeks

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  1. danzig
    Since comic threads always die out in The Arts section after awhile we needed our own group! Yeah Im a comic geek, yeah I can tell you how much She-Hulk can lift without looking it up (75 tons but any training she does increases it in hulk form exponentially) and yes I can tell you how many times and where Jean Grey has died. Started collecting when I was around 12, stopped when I turned around 23 got bored, real life kicked in but started reading (not collecting) again around a year and half ago. So feel free to admit to your comic geekness.
  2. Dead*Man*Wilson
    I think we have a nice gathering of like minded individuals. AT least for the most part....
  3. gambit
    hell yea, comics are the best. I used to collect when I was like 10, lots of marvel; X-men, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Punisher and Daredevil mostly. I dabbled in DC a bit, mostly Batman especially when Dark Knight came around. I lost interest in collecting after a while but I have a friend who still does so I borrow his from time to time and try to keep up.
  4. danzig
    Yeah I ended up buying alot of trades to catch up on what has gone on with the old stuff and to catch up on new stuff. Was pleasantly suprised by series like Y-Last Man, Walking Dead and Fables, The Authority (well except for Millar's crap with the series), Transmetropolitan, Preacher and 100 Bullets. Some really good stuff there and really made me remember what I missed about comics. Really wish Marvel would pick up the pace on Secret Invasion, its going so slow. Im suprised though Im actually enjoying Final Crisis and never been a major DC fan other then graphic novels and Batman.
  5. gambit
    Even though I enjoy the Marvel universe more, something about DC always clicked with me. I love their style and storytelling in general, even if it varies from time to time.
  6. The Black Reaper
    The Black Reaper
    Marvel Universe is more my style, the new Ultimate universe that came out in 2001 i think, is pretty good... it better for someone just starting to read comics of spider-man or the x-men since it starts in the beginning even though there are differences
  7. danzig
    Ultimate has been good until the latest Ultimates 3 mini and the whole its all connected nonsense. I stopped reading Ultimate Xmen after Xavier professed his love for Jean..different is fine, new take on character is fine as well but it was just absurd. Guy in wheel chair, moralist to the point of stubborn, almost always in control of his emotions but he got wood for his 19 yr old student...
  8. The Black Reaper
    The Black Reaper
    i also hated that they made colossus gay, WHY, not that i have a problem with them but colossus was the biggest baddest, and toughest guy in X-Men but no he had to be gay..
  9. Ramashan
    Hello all you Comic fans. Glad to see have a place to vent and rave about the stories and things we like in the world of comics. I've never gotten into the Ultimates so, can't comment on them at all. I was an avid collector as a kid up till about 92 when College kicked in and money seemed to kick out. Just got back into reading them again about three years ago and found it was a great time to get back. I'm mostly a Marvel fan and some of the titles I collect at the moment are; X-Factor, Daredevil, Thunderbolts, Runaways, and Uncanny X-Men. But I do read Y-The Last man in trades and have been following all the recent Marvel story arcs from House of M to the recent Secret Invasion.

    But my all time favorite comic series is still Elfquest. Read the whole thing every few years.
  10. gambit
    Yeah true about colossus there flip. I mean, I have no problem if they want to appeal to all audiences and throw a twist but COLOSSUS!? why him? That's be like wolverine having a sex change.
  11. danzig
    Yeah the Colossus thing I didnt get because it didnt really add anything to the character that was was almost like hey lets make someone gay and they flipped a coin.

    I read those books except for Daredevil book, never been huge on DD. Y-Last Man was one of the best non superhero books Ive read only thing close to it in quality that Im reading now is 100 Bullets and Transmetropolitan. Transmetropolitan is completely out there, Warren Ellis is just such a great writer. SI so far is proving to be a disappointment compared to WWH, House of M...the pacing is just so off, not sure using Avenger titles as backstory to explain what went on as opposed to advancing the storlyline was such a great idea. Yeah the stories are great going ah ha so thats wha happened but I just dont see the payoff yet.
  12. Dead*Man*Wilson
    Mr. Ellis is one of my favs as well. Honestly, the Ultimate line kinda lured me back into reading Marvel stuff...for a while anyways. Only a few of the series that still come out under the Ultimate imprint are still engaging. Millar's Ultimates was very well done, leading me to hate Jeph Loeb all the more.
  13. danzig
    Loeb is horrible. What he has done with the Ultimates is just horrible and see what he did with the Hulk? The Green Hulk gets his arm snapped and passes out in pain from the Red Hulk...who in the same issue punches a Watcher in the head knocking it out. Loeb has serious issues following any continuity what so ever.
  14. Dead*Man*Wilson
    I was trying to forget that...
  15. Dead*Man*Wilson
    Anyone been reading Captain America? Thunderbolts? Iron Fist? Thor? Secret Invasion?
  16. danzig
    Cap, Thunderbolts (love Ellis's take on it), Thor and of course SI. Cap and Thor are really good, only problem for me is I just cant shake that they are going to try and bring Rogers back. One theory saw on another forum is the Rogers from Marvel 1602 (who is almost identical to 616) could pop in. 1602 ended with Rogers having to leave that time period/universe into another funny would it be if he appeared on earth-616.
  17. The Black Reaper
    The Black Reaper
    anybody got ideas for good comics, something like Watchmen or something, it's amazing no one mentioned Watchmen even though its technically a graphic novel but still
  18. danzig
    Well not mentioning Watchmen in comics is like not mentioning Star wars in scifi...its a given Obviously its tough to match Moore's book. I can suggest The Authority (up to issue 20..after that it goes to hell as Ellis stopped writing it Millar takes over and seems set on raming his politics down the readers throat), Preacher, Transmetropolitan, Sandman. None of them are really comparable to Watchmen in actual story but are fairly deep books that tell their own pretty damn good stories. If you want a bit lighter stuff but still good story check out Y-Last Man and Fables. The pattern in all this is almost all these books are put out by DC's Vertigo...which was created in large part because of Watchmen
  19. Ramashan
    I'm curious to see how they're going to do with making Watchmen into a movie. Seems every time we turn around they're making another comic book into a movie.

    My one big beef with this whole Secret Invasion thing is that it can, and seems like its going to, be used as a reset, especially in the case of Thor and Captain America. But those are two iconic characters that would eventually be revived. So, I guess now is better than later. As for Ellis, I'm loving Thunderbolts and hope it continues on. Another favorite title of mine is X-Factor. Talk about a title that has gone through many evolutions. The recent incarnation is really fun to read. I especially like Layla, the girl who knows stuff.

    As for good comic ideas, I'm sure every bodies got some. I'm just too lazy to do all the drawing necessary. Here's a rough sketch of the first page after the opening splash page.
  20. danzig
    Well Moore evidently wants nothing to do with the movie, guess he wasnt keen on V. Not sure about Snyder doing the movie, 300, Dawn of the Dead isnt exactly inspiring for a title like Watchmen. Ill of course go see it just because I have to

    Doubt marvel is going to use Si for reset of Cap and Thor since both basically have been reset in past year and half and both books are highly regarded and selling well. Thor has been really fun since he came back, the scenes with Iron Man about the cloning thing were fantastic. Im getting to like Bucky more and more as Cap and the storyline ongoing is really good. Im hoping Marvel leaves Rogers dead and avoids bringing him back especially before his movie comes out.

    One thing that will be fun, Cap is basically Marvel's Batman...I hope Marvel takes note what was done The Dark Knight and follows suit in trying to rise to that level for the movie.
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