COME brothers

  1. knight of north
    knight of north
    I have a suggest

    I say

    this mod have 2 campigens

    1-the first campigen
    2-the second campigen

    first campigen have 7 factions

    1-Islam caliphate

    2-Sassanid empire

    3-Roman empire(eastern)

    4-egypt's christians

    5-Habashe empire

    6-rebel states

    7-turkish states

    second campigen have 11 factions

    1-roman empire(eastern)
    2-omayyads caliphate

    3-egypt caliphate

    4-Abbassides caliphate

    5-Son of Zobir
    6-Sassanid empire


    8-taherid kingdom

    9-Sammanid kingdom

    10-Saffarid kingdom

    11-roman empire(eastren)rebel
  2. A _ X
    A _ X
    first campigen have 7 factions
    1-Islam caliphate 2-Sassanid empire 3-Roman empire(eastern) 4-egypt's christians 5-Habashe empire 6-rebel states 7-turkish states
    Islam caliphate
    no way
    And also (egypt's christians !!! ) Roman rule in Egypt (Roman province)

    islamic mode v 0.1 Beta (Muslim Repels the Crusades)

    ملحوظة للجميع : الهدف من المود التعريف بالأسلام و الثقافة الأسلامية و بقوة حضارة و جيش المسلمين و ارجو ان أخذ ثواب علي هذا من الله و ليس الهدف تقديم رموز مثل الصحابة رضي الله عنهم للعب و التسلية حقاً انا حزين من هذا الأقتراح .
  3. knight of north
    knight of north
    witch do YOU WANT ?
    age of omayyads caliphate
    age of Abbassides caliphate and crusaders
    or age of Sassanid empire and Byzantium
  4. knight of north
    knight of north
    I say
  5. matmohair1
    how about this ?

    1st campaign : Rashidun to Abbasid (7th to 10th) - three main reforms : Rashidun / Umayyad / Abbasid

    main factions

    1-Islam caliphate

    2-Sassanid empire

    3-Roman empire


    6-turkish states (central Asia)

    7-more factions can be added

    2nd campaign :
    crusades to late Mameluke (13th to 16th) - three main reforms : late Ayyubid / Mamluk / Ottoman

    1 - crusaders

    2 - Romans

    3 - late Ayyubid / mamluks

    4 - mongols (will convert to Islam after a given date)

    5 - Late Seljuqs / ottoman

    6 - more factions can be added

    emergent :

    Timurids, Safavids, Portuguese & Venetians

    3rd campaign (different map) : Spain & north Africa (12th to 16th) reforms : late Umayyad / Taifa period / Grenada

    1 - Almoravids

    2 - Almuwahids

    3 - taifa states

    4 - Portugal

    5 - Castile

    6 - Leon

    7 - Aragon

    8 - Navarra
  6. masterex
    are we going to use broken crescent units
  7. masterex
    iam ready for the last campaign . i will work on it and the create the map campaign for which is taifa period
    and add region for it

    all i need someone work on the text thing and it is the descr strat and descr_win_conditions and descr_mercenaries

    who is ready for help !!!!!
  8. knight of north
    knight of north
    and I
    yes I

    for text files and units
    yes for unit may be can help U

    ان الله معنا
  9. knight of north
    knight of north
    and for music and movie
    yes our mod most have some movies

    for diffrent campigen we can use INVAISON BARBARUM mod's campigen MAP
  10. masterex

    but i think i will create new map will be better
  11. knight of north
    knight of north
    ok it's better
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