Lyra's New Indo European lang

  1. Lуra
    Here's a radon lang I finally followed though with.
    As you can see, it has many IE influences.

    I started with a simple phonology. One of basic stops, approximants, liquids and nasals but with few fricatives. I also added some aspirated sonorant plosives (as a precursor for more fricatives in derived langs). This is a mother lang after all.

    /p, b	t, d	k, g
    bʰ	dʰ	gʰ
    	s, z	h
    	j	w
    	l	r
    m	n	ŋ/
    <p, b	t, d	k, g
    bh	dh	gh
    	s, a	h
    	j	w
    	l	r
    m	n	ng>
    pz, tz, kz
    bm, dn, gn, mn, rn, ln, wn, jn, sn, hn
    pr, tr, kr, mr, wr, jr, sr, hr
    pw, tw, kw, rw, jw, hw
    pj, tj, kj, rj, lj, si, nj, hj
    trw, krw, rnw
    hnw, pzw, tzw, kzw
    jrw, wrj
    with long form
    /a:, e:, i:, o:, u:/
    /e:ʊ, o:ʊ/
    <év, óv>
    /aɪ, aʊ/
    <ai, au>
    The vowel system is a combination of latin and germanic, with heavy use of auxiliary verbs.
    I also kept the subjunctive and passive fairly simple.
    Verbs come in 2 forms (simple and continual)

    éd/do [to be] irr.
    ib/bha [to exist] aux.
    aid/dhai [to finish] aux.
    		aux.	v.
    Pres. s.			ér
    Pres. p.			dhér
    Pres. cont.		        bhaidor
    Imperf.			dobaz
    Past. s.			édabaz	
    Past. p.			dhédabaz
    Past. cont.			dobhaibaz
    Past. plu.p.	ai	bhédabaz
    Fut. s.			édévh
    Fut. p.			dhédévh
    Fut. cont.			évdobaih
    Fut. plu.p.		ai	bhédévh
    ég/gola [to eat] reg.
    Pres. s.			égar
    Pres. p.		érai	égar
    Pres. cont. 	érib	golar
    Imperf.			golabaz
    Past. s.			égabaz
    Past. p.		érai	égabaz
    Past. cont.		érib	golabaz
    Past. plu.p.	érib	égadhaibaz	
    Fut. s.			égévh
    Fut. p.		érai	égévh
    Fut. cont.		érib 	golévh
    Fut. plu.p.		érib	égévdhaih
    Imperative		pers	égah
    Passive voice	to be + v2
    Subjunctive	to let + v1
    person endings:
    	sing	plu
    1st	-on	-od
    2nd	-em	-edhi
    3rd	-	-ung
    1st	wo	de
    2nd	me	dhi
    3rd	gu	gnu
    The declension is heavily IE, there are few irregulars (only personal pronouns and some possessive). I have yet to add articles, the lang function pretty well without them...

    	         sing  	plu
    Nom	         kél   	kélan
    Acc	         kéla 	kélas
    Gen	         kéláz	kélanáz
    Tool	         kélad	kéladn
    Com	         kélakw	kélakwin
    Loc	         kélai 	kélain
    Agent	 kélév	kéléwin
    Nom	        trá    	trán
    Acc	        trám  	trás
    Gen	        tráház	tránáz
    Tool	        trád   	trádn
    Com	        trákw	trákwin
    Loc	        tráhai	tráhain
    Agent	tráhév	tráhéwin
                            SING                                         PLU
    Nom	   ówn	émn  	úgn   	don   	dhóh  	úgnan
    Acc	   ówna	émna	úgna 	donan	dhóha	úgnas
    Gen	   nóvz	émaz 	ngúz  	doz   	dhéz  	ngúnaz
    Tool	   ódn	mnod	údng 	dodn 	dhódn	úgnad
    Com	   ókw	mnokw	úkw   	dokwin	dhékwin	úgnakwin
    Loc	   ównai	mnai 	úgnai 	donai 	dhain 	úgnain
    Agent   ónév	mnév	únév 	dév   	dhévn	úgnévn

    fire		ágn
    water		bhun
    earth		jrwa
    ice		irnúk
    wind		hédn
    mountain		behwál
    man		twan
    life		ehjádzurn/érnwa
    to be		éd, do
    to walk		odz, dzwo
    to go		aid,dhu*/ ak, kóla 
    in		ain*
    to		év*
    of		kri*
    house		nóbm
    many		kjór
    few		sidn
    place		abh
    tree		zúwr
    rock		tórn
    sky		aigár
    sun		ghosbhévmnel/ emél
    moon		jorkruhnaing/ únaing
    to see		óvs, sú
    city		akjórnob/ zaitr
    creature		pzúla/ krérna
    to eat		ég, góla
    to fly		ihn, hnóla
    like		ahn
    create		aihévdzurn, hédzurnaiwa
    so		ghéz
    no		névdn
    yes		aitán
    to bring		úrn, nú
    god		hátranóvnel
    to speak		ály, lyrá
    speech		lyrán
    to revere		údnat, dánu
    father		bhaitr
    mother		mám
    lord		saiwr
    glory		zókr
    heaven		ekníl
    bad		trom
    good		hab
    sin		trorún
    to sin		atrorún, tróru
    to do		akrún, rúna
    deed		rún
    known		ikrn
    name		lyzód
    to know		ikr, kráno
    to let		ébhid, bhídi
    thus		ánurn
    to come		án, dnaite
    kingdom		dhúmarnkri
    king		dhúmarn
    land		kúbm
    on		húwn
    also		kwo
    to give		óvbh, bháso
    day		méln
    this		hwat
    that		hwin
    now		kjorn
    then		jorw
    later		kown
    bread		zuln
    nai		and
    to let pass		érn, névra
    that		pas
    who		kwal
    towards		hwév
    but		zob
    to bring from	anédh, nédhaika
    temptetion		ghakúrn
    evil		taikáz


    bhátir doz

    bhátir doz eknílai
    lyzód émaz dhédévhem dánu
    dhúmarnkri émaz ébhidarem án
    zókrún émaz ébhidarem aid
    húwn jrwahai ánurn kwo dhér eknílai.
    de óvbharem mélnkjorn kriméln doz
    nai de érnarem trorún doz
    ahn ernarod úgnévn kwaléwin atrorúnarung dév.
    kwo hwév ghakúrn névd de ébhidarem odz
    zob taikázai de ébhidarem anédh.

    Direct Translation:

    father of ours in heaven
    name of yours be revered
    let the kingdom of yours come
    let your exalted will be done
    on earth like so being in heaven.
    Give to us today the daily bread of ours
    and forgive to us the sins of ours
    as we forgive them that sin against us.
    Also let us towards temptation not be lead
    but let from evil take us from.

    How it sounds like:

  2. Lуra

  3. Vađarholmr
    Wonderfull! Its always the lords prayer in linguistics isnt it?
  4. Hobbes
    So I am not the onlyone who constructs languages in their free time. Nice! Bhatir is so easily recognizalbe. Father, athair, pater, πατηρ, pita etc. Twan is kinda like duine (human in Irish).
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