Scripts and Events

  1. kiwibloke
    We have discussed a variety of ideas for scripts and events in the discussion page but i thought it would be nice to have a place specific for this one area of the submod. i looked through the discussion page and these were the scripts/events that people had come up with and what should happen. any other script ideas would be nice so post them here.

    1) Kingslayer script - aerys has an ancillary called 'Jaime' when kingslanding is taken by somone and the ancillary dies with aerys it will trigger an event which states that jaime has killed Aerys, also a general in the form of jaime joins house lannister.
    the only issue i have with this one is what age should the jaime that spawns be?
    2) Storm over dragonstone - a storm over dragonstone inbetween turn 15 - 20 happens. an event is triggered stating that any fleets in the area are destroyed. this is to imitate the storm that destroyed the targaryen fleet.
    3) Elia script - if kingslanding is conquered by anyone except martell then it says elia and her children have died and house martell's relations drop dramatically with the faction that caused it and all factions asociated with that alternative if possible is that the person taking the city has the choice to either spare her or kill her , with the same effects as earlier if she is killed and an up in relations if she is allowed to live, i am unsure if the later of these two ideas is possible however.
    4) lyanna script - still unsure about this one but an idea put forward by macho is for arthur dayne to start off with her as an anc and for any general who kills arthur dayne to get the ancillary from him, then if house stark takes her back to winterfell or house baratheon takes her back to storms end a bonus will be rewarded.
    the problem with this is that it doesnt take into acount lyanna's untimely death.

    please discuss whether all of these ideas are suitable, recommend changes and offer new ideas. thanks
  2. Noobio
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    maybe you can start with a Jaime2 offmap, and just give him to the Lannisters, once the event has kicked in
    * Ask Kiliç, about it, as he eats such scripts for breakfast

    Even though i think we should make it that more possibilities come into play, for variety-"what if" sake ... For example, i think it could be interesting if Lannister player is given the chance to maybe refuge/save Aerys from the sacked KL and join the Targaryens (afterall it wasn't untill very late ingame that they chose to turn on them and Jaime wouldn't have killed him if it wasn't for his delusional burn KL shjt)

    in any case, here are some pics you could use for the event, as it is now..Maybe we could have 2 culture variants, with the loyalists seeing the Aerys one (you'll just have to put that one in their culture folder-event pics- )

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    i think this has to do with descr_historic_events or something..Disasters can be scripted through a specific file too, besides campaign_script..NOt really sure, which way is easier though..i'll try and look into it

    3) I think that, in any case, we should have a "tower of joy" It could be a
    -new region (very small, with just a motte n baily) and if possible we could make it through some script that Dayne takes Lyanna there when/if certain conditions are met

    -It could be a stone fort (so, no new region) just for the sake of having the landmark
  3. kiwibloke
    i cant really see a 'tower of joy' settlement cos besieging it would seem rather wrong.

    i can look into stone forts, but is it possible to have stone forts that dont disapear and then wood ones that do?
  4. Prophet1331
    Perhaps once you kill all the loyalist generals (kill all vale loyalists while playing with arryn) their settlements that you don't capture join your cause instead of becoming rebel settlements.

    Could prince Rhaegar appear as an event later on instead of being there from the beginning?

    Also I believe each rebel faction could use a yes/no event to bend the knee back into the King's Peace should the ruling house die (presuming the mod will include hidden family trees).

    Could an event be made for some loyalits/rebel factions like Martell,Tyrell, Stark (who don't already have a rebel faction in their lands) in which after you lose several battles in a row you get the message Bannermen question their allegiance and you get a large drop in general loyalty and if it continues you could actually bend the knee?

    Perhaps some plague/riot/famine events if the war still rages on after 100 turns or so the show how the realm is bleeding and people grow weary of the war.

    These are all the ideas I have for now. I see this group hasn't been active for a while
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