
  1. Trot
    Give your ideas for game rules
  2. Ace_General
    Here is my thoughts on the mechanics

    But mechanically how Im thinking of doing this is combing a modified GSTK system and combining it with some light wargamming elements

    Like everyone starts out as noblemen of varying levels(again sort of like GSTK here) you have personal troops and income from your own fiefs. But where it gets different is you have a much stronger centeral government. Like you Have a standing Crown army, a royal treasury, and royal offices that give you power, money and troops. So instead of trying to get promotions and more lands, you instead have a route to power by serving the commonwealth by fighting its enemies

    Like im thinking of government working like this

    You have the king, who basically serves as cheif executive in the polish system.

    Then you have a royal chancellor, gets a decent ammount of money and controls royal purse strings but little troops

    After that, you have commanders of the royal army who get decent pay and alot of troops

    Finally, you have the Hetmans, who are to be probably the most interesting postion to play. In Poland Hetmans were the regional(or as we would call it) theatre level commanders who are responsible for all military operations and the defense of a certain region or against a certain foe. I.E. Hetman of Ukraine, Prussia, Ruthania, Lithuania etc etc. Basically, you get x amount of money and troops and you have to do the foreign relations in your sector and fight the wars there unless you totally get overrun and the royal army has to clean things up.

    This is where Im thinking the war-gaming part of the game can come in where you get a map of your sector, your allotment of troops, and you have to defend your important population centers and/or defeat your foes

    And all of this will play into how you become king in Poland. See in the Commonwealth, becoming king was an elected office for life, so acquiring honro and glory and demonstrating your ability in war would give you a leg up in the election to king
  3. Ace_General

    Heres some information on the Hetmans
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