Base for start

  1. Armatus
    So here is where I'd just like to discuss which mod we should use as a foundation. There are so many good ones so to save us work, we need the one with the most balanced realistic features. I'll be posting my picks soon.
  2. Saladin
    expanded gameplay would be my first pick, but when southern realms has it bugs ironed out, it will have a very nice huge map that gives you room to work with new factions.
  3. ♔Gollum♔
    southern realms is the best idea i can think abaut
  4. Saladin
    yeah only thing is companions as of right now aren't recruitable, they give you the mercenaries dialog and instead of getting a companion you get the mercenaries that are in the tavern. but some module work should fix that up. either way i think it will be patched before we have a decision
  5. ♔Gollum♔
    and we should make it more bloody
  6. Saladin
  7. Imperator of Rome
    Imperator of Rome
    I think parts of Battle for Sicily would be useful, in particular the code that Nijis knows is stable.
  8. Imperator of Rome
    Imperator of Rome
    Also, 1066 had an interesting combat system (you needed a mixed army to do well in it).
  9. Adorno1
    Both Battle for Sicily and 1066 are for much older versions, so it would be a huge work just to get it working on 1.011
    Native expansion is a good idea, or maybe Europe 1200...
  10. Imperator of Rome
    Imperator of Rome
    True, both are .808, but one can wish. Well, what features do Native Expansion and Europe 1200 have?
  11. Armatus
    Wow Adorno joined! Now we have an effects guy!
  12. ♔Gollum♔
    who is Adorno and what can he do?
  13. Adorno1
    Adorno can't do ... anything I know a lot about the game but have no skills really.
    I like sounds, so I've made my own ambient soundtrack and can make new soundeffects if needed. Nothing that useful in this context.

    Native expansion has so much that I'll just link:,49800.0.html
    Among the things are morale, formations, shield bash, kingdom management, making peace etc.

    Europe 1200 is not as extensive but has 16 factions already, kingdom management, morale and other stuff (incl. a map of Europe obviously)...
  14. ♔Gollum♔
    i think the base should be "Sword of Damocles - Invasion" becuse this one already has the buildings and player faction feathers
  15. Armatus
    Well, there's so many mods the trick is to find the one that will cause you the least amount of work, because it has everything already.
  16. ♔Gollum♔
    ^not, not to find mod that have most of work already, becuse its just not fun. a base for a mod is the start point, a base for a mini mod is the limit.
  17. Armatus
    you need to have a base with a good compilation of mini mods and balances and tweaks, the rest is up to how creative your team is.
Results 1 to 17 of 17