Theodore Ayrault Dodge

  1. Legio_Italica
    How does he rank as a historian and writer? He has shortcomings of course. As a former soldier in the U.S. Army he fought in the American Civil War in such famous battles as Chancellorsville, Antietam and Gettysburg; and therefore as a soldier he can be prone to idolizing his subjects. But I have read two of his works, Alexander and Hannibal, and find them fascinating. Because he is a soldier he has studied the aspects of the actual military units and organization of his subjects as well as provided unique insight into the tactics and strategies from the point of view of a soldier as opposed to the traditional academic philiosophies put forth by "armchair" histrorians. He aslo provides illistrations and diagrams which he drew himself to aid the reader's understanding of the book, something very unique, almost revolutionary for histrorians and historical writers of his day.
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