The Gerontocratic Dodecarchy Nomocracy Of Cadiedus: The Court Of The Twelve Judges.

  1. Librarian

    Name of Faction:
    The Land of Cadiedus

    Government Type:
    Gerontocratic Dodecarchy Nomocracy
    (Rule by Twelve Wise Judges and the Book Of Law)
    The Governmental system of the Land Of Cadiecus is intriguing, see history.

    Official Language(s):
    CadiedanI created a language for this, it may seem crazy or hard or just nonsense, but I used my linguistic skills in Latin, French, Spanish and of course English (a minor part is German and Russian.) to create a consistent and comprehensive language.
    Understanding it
    It may seem daunting to see the made up language, so I created it like a rosetta stone, the main way I translated some things are thinking of an alternate word for the english and translated it to another language and rearranged the letters,
    Freedom => Free
    The word in Latin for free (and other languages) is Libra (libre)
    In Spanish, (some times) a v is pronounced as a B. And then I swapped re to er.
    So Freedom => Liver
    The word for 'and' in french is 'et' and I got rid of the 'e' creating "t"
    Ino refers to uno, spanish for one. Ino is created to mean 'them' so Inant (shares an ending with 'our' which is 'purant') means their
    The final example is 'We' We is plural so I created 'pluris' and therefore 'purant'
    I put a lot of effort in to this, so please give some feed back (Anthem is translated in to the fictional language)

    Name of Capital:
    National Anthem:
    Free, we are, under ancient law (English)
    Shining a path to glory,
    Forward we march,
    Free, we are, under the ancient law.
    Let our wings seize the air
    And our great nation take flight

    Together, we are one.
    United under one banner.
    To those who are lawless,
    Shall we strike down,
    And build anew,

    Shining a path to glory,
    Forward we march,
    Free, we are, under the ancient law.

    Raise your shields, raise your glasses,
    Today, we will drive away.
    The Wretched invaders shall regret
    Their decision to deprive us
    Of Our Freedom.

    Shining a path to glory,
    Forward we march,
    Free, we are, under the ancient law.

    Sacred are the Twelve.
    Scribes of Law
    Teachers Of Culture
    Ever lasting wisdom.
    A Thousand Years!

    Shining a path to glory,
    Forward we march,
    Free, we are, under the ancient law.

    For we are Free,
    The ancient law guides us.
    Those who do not see
    Shall be taught.
    By song or sword.

    Free, we are, under ancient law

    Liver, purant, unta q oip dictas (Cadiedan)

    Sheren a tra va victo,
    Naraw pluris sante,
    Liver, purant, unta q oip dictas.
    Alai pluris skiar ceese q respar
    t pluris victo cadied blati aericus

    Sodi, purant Ino.
    Unid unta ino plag.
    Va inant ke cadied,
    U annihul domu,
    t constrat yuron,

    Sheren a tra va victo,
    Naraw pluris sante,
    Liver, purant, unta q oip dictas.

    elve wo dephen, elve wo plam,
    Doa, purant riga ecpe domu.
    Q malas forieg purant reger
    inant va ecpe purant
    purant livera.

    Sheren a tra va victo,
    Naraw pluris sante,
    Liver, purant, unta q oip dictas.

    Seet inant q decadu.
    rote cadied
    Desca ulte
    Endefen intelle.
    Q endefen oip!

    Sheren a tra va victo,
    Naraw pluris sante,
    Liver, purant, unta q oip dictas.

    purant yuron,
    q oip dictas purant.
    Inant ke garder
    Regeree inant intellee.
    pa harmo o annihula.

    Liver, purant, unta q oip dictas.

    Faction Leader:

    The Ancient Law and The Twelve Judges
    Official Religion(s):
    Majorly Secular


    Long ago, in times of ancient Nero and Socrates (Nero; 37-68 CE| Socrates; 469-399 BCE) When men of Power ruled with Iron Fists and the great plague of war ravanged the world. Emperors seized power and pikes were used to settle arguments. After many times being pushed out of their homes. A band of refugees fleed from their homes. Some of the great Philosophers the world never knew were in this band of refugees. Many of them theorised of a benign state and an idealised world. As they were brushed out of lands they considered safe, they settled in Pompeii, this now nomadic travelling state had been through many generations. When the mountain erupted, and buried the city. It is said that the Ancient Roman God of Fire, Vulcan saved them and transported them to an isolated land. Where for millennia the people grew and it became a free land. The Philosopher who was only recorded as 'One' thought of the ideal government. 'Cadiediu' was it's name in it's mother tongue, but the word can translate to many english words, 'law' 'freedom' 'state' 'country' etc.
    It was an idea that was approved by twelve people, this idea containts the basis of a fair system, the rule by law, which was written by the first twelve on 1716 Stone tablets. The law was tested and then there was some trouble on adaptation and flexibility, an amendment was made.

    This Amendment created the council of twelve, the twelve judges ensured the law was fair and fluid, the twelve judges were considered wise, the law was extenisive but not fluid, the law regulated the tax and the rights of each citizens, all judges were spent almost all their lives reading the ancient law, and were brought up in an enviroment to prevent corruption. But they always have experience of the world in which they help to maintain.
    Strangely, they found themselves appearing in a world which was troubled in wars and assassainations. It is unknown what lay in this new world, but it is time to face the outside. Whatever may come.
  2. Cyrene


    Svo dužno poštovanje prema vama, gospodar Cadiedje.

    Dolazim da te po naređenju našeg velikog Ban, Kulin Prvog, gospodar Bosne i zaštitnika Crkve bosanske.

    Moj Ban nada da će cvjetati trgovini između naših carstva, sudeći po našim strateškim položajima, mi smo prirodni trgovinski partneri,


    Moj Ban također predlaže sljedeće:

    I- pakt o nenapadanju za X godina

    II- odbrambeni savez

    III- znanstvena istraživanja suradnju

    Spoiler for rijevod (engleski)
    "All due respect to you, lord of Cadiedus.

    I come to you under the orders of our Great Ban, Kulin the First, lord of Bosnia and Protector of the Bosnian Church.

    My Ban hopes that Trade would flourish between our Realms, judging by our Strategic positions, we are natural trade partners,

    My Ban also Proposes the Following:

    A- Non-Aggression Pact for 10 years

    B- Defensive Alliance

    C- Scientific Research Co-operation"

  3. Cyrene
    mi također predlažemo da proširite svoje nacionalnog jezika, tako da naši stipendisti će biti u mogućnosti da ga provede u našim školama Diplomatski

    "we also suggest that you expand your National Language so that our Scholars will be able to implement it in our Diplomatic Schools"
  4. Librarian
    Before you lay a city bathed in the glow of the sunlight, the city is rich and flourishing, the men and women wander the street, the city is guarded with Hoplite style warriors, their golden spears reflect the sun's aurora. The mumbles of the crowd surround you in the streets, atop a hill top, a greek styled building, in the same architecture as the Parthenon of Ancient. As your diplomat and dignitries sliver through the crowd, when meeting a town square, a statue of man holding up a quill, as a gianter man towers over him, below it says "Vulcan, Seet chalu Romanu, dephen Cadied." below it has a inscription in latin, your retinue quickly translates the Latin, "Sire, it says 'Vulcan, Roman God of Fire, Defender Of This Nation.'" Upon uttering the words of 'Sire' a hush falls over the crowd, the people dispurse to a ring, staring at your diplomat and the luxury clothes adorned on your people. A Guard pushes through the crowd.

    The Guard speaks Cadiedian in an authoritive tone.
    A civilian responds and points to your people.
    The Guard looks at you, "ke Cadied?" He looks at your blank faces.
    He looks around, "Indellea q zosha harel romanu?"
    A citizen responds "Sa, Zosha harel Romanu."
    The Citizen looks to you and starts translating to you in latin, and your retinue translates.
    "The Guard said, Are you foreigners? and then then he says that he was trying to find a person who speaks latin as I can translate Latin."
    You explain your intentions and the guard takes you to a grand structure with pillars and then you enter in to a grand hall, it has 6 statues either side and some fountains down the wall filling a wide but shallow moat, you climb the steps and then find yourself in a circular room, the twelve seats are aranged in a big circle. The civilian translates to you "This is where you carry your mission out."
    You read out the scroll.
    A deep booming voice in latin comes from one of the Chairs, a chuckle comes from another.
    "A foreigner... yes, I supposed this day would come, but I wouldn't believe they would take these assumptions."
    The lamps on the walls illuminate seats, a person sits in each seat.
    "You see, foreign one, We have no lord, this country is run in it's intended form, a Council of Wise Judges, and a rule of ancient law, written by the original twelve." A Judge said.
    "As to avoid this in the future, we are know by numbers, I am Six. Collectively, we are the Judges." said, presumably, Six.
    "As for your political goal. We understand this proposal. In such a time, the law is not flexible enough, all those in favour in constructing an amendment to include foreign interactions say Aye." Eight proposed.
    One by one the judges voted a unanimous Aye.
    "All those in favour of accepting this request say Aye now." Four asked.
    The Judges voted one after each other, to a 8 to 2 vote to yes.
    "All right, we shall teach you our language. All of your prosposals are acceptable."

    (continous rp)
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