
  1. Saturn
    Discuss and debate Communism here. Please be civil. Do not make any unbacked assertions.
  2. almughavar
    I want to say that Communism's economic is better than Liberaism these day and after.
    No one don't know that our fuel and gas resouces are exhausted and soon the raw material. A Communism state will reduce that dramatically by its economic system: only produce enough to maintain men' s life. What can we order more in a exhausted and extremely polluted world?
    And what if in the future a monopoly( as leat the wealthiest) company rise, and what can we do to stop that? See the film "Alien" for the example, it about a company try to breed and use the horrible creatures "Alien" to gain power and more. In a Communism state we don't need to worry about a bad future like that: no company, all are controlled.
    The Liberaism say that a Communism state will slow down the development of states' economic, but that safer, more more durable, don't you know that under the Capitalism, many new, effective and economize projects, bluesprints and ideas are wasted to ensure the capitalist' income.
  3. Dan the Man
    Dan the Man
    A. Alien is a fantasy film, and not really good for use in a debate.
    B. I can't understand anything else you just said. Sorry mate.
  4. Celsius
    Hmmm....would I rather invent something and get a patent, along with make money from that patent, or get it taken from me and let the state reap the benefits. Let's ponder that.
  5. almughavar
    The loss of funds, material and labor was wasted by the European's capitalism in their glory days to maintain their old machine in the scientific revolution is not just a small piece for sure. Let the state plan the project to limit a giant waste of our resource for hard and exhausted day in the future.
  6. EmperorBatman999
    Pretty sure the point of capitalism is to innovate and improve things to get ahead of economic competition. The Communist states have found themselves out of this cycle, and so thus things quit improving.
  7. Dan the Man
    Dan the Man
    I'd pretty much agree with EmperorBatman, but I'd like to ask what makes you say state will do better at planning a project than an entrepreneur? If the project goes over, the government has nothing to lose. A businessman will be much more cautious because if something goes wrong, he'll take the fall, and almost definitely lose a lot of money.
  8. almughavar
    But we can't sure about the wealth the capitalism used is for planing a project or a invention, idea is for man's goodness. If that's not can't fill up their money bag, it's won't be adopted or even invented.
    And in the future, the capitalism shall have more power than even the governor. And the use of terrific weapons shall be used by the capitalism to strike the governor, and establish their new governor( if we can called it so), and I don't want to eat dog foods by the monopoly that govern me then.
    And so many many many resources and wealths are wasted in the last 2 century that cut down almost anything that can be used to maintain the Earth, leave us little but the natural disasters and a polluted enviroment. It takes thousands to millions years to have those resources be renegrated.
    EX: Steam engine before James Watt: 200 kg of coal in exchange for 1 HP.(!)
    Watt's: 3 kg of coal in exchange for 1HP.
  9. Dan the Man
    Dan the Man
    And you think the government will do a better job of taking care of our resources than the entrepreneur?
    Why, exactly?
  10. 'Gunny
    But the same problem will exist down the road in communism, natural resources will run out, and a communist country would not be as adept at changing to meet this problem. I also dont quite understand your purpose in referencing Mr Watt, and is a government not a monopoly as well? A communist government is probably the biggest monopoly in the world, one that has proven to have the power to liquidate you if you disagree.
  11. almughavar
    But the drain out rate of the resource governed by a communism country will slower than other state, and may left us enough time to research new way to explore the Universe's spaces and create some colonies to gain new resources.
    Well, your're right when said that a communist goverment is the biggest monopoly, but it's everyone's, not of any invidual. All can be decided by election.
    I say, the Lenism and Marxism is much different than the cruel and totalitarianism govern style of Stalin.
    To Dan: Well, I'm thinking to answer your question. May you ask another ones for that?
  12. 'Gunny
    And what is a buisness transaction but an election, you vote every time you buy something, albeit its not an "official" vote, but its a vote nonetheless. Also in regards to the resource drainage, competition has been shown to spur innovation faster than a monopoly, your Watt example is a good show of this, it decreased the amount of coal needed for 1 HP, thus reducing the amount of coal needed to be consumed, he did this for profit however, the chance that, through his invention, he could help himself as well as others
  13. Goofy
    Communism is weird... I can't imagine how anyone can think he has the right to prevent others from practising their religion - or, as it was in USSR, religion didn't officially even exist.
  14. Dan the Man
    Dan the Man
    The problem with religion in a communist system is that it gives people a sense of hope, which is something the architects of communism don't want. If you can remove all hope in anything higher, all the people have left to turn to is the system, if only by default. The core reasoning for the eradication of religion is more out of fear of faith's effects on the population than anything else.
    "Religion is the opium of the people," afterall.
  15. Spitfire -WONDERBOLT!
    Spitfire -WONDERBOLT!
    Commies Must DIE!... In short hello, I just joinned in death to commies lingo!
  16. America74
    Faith brings hope to people. Not only that, but Christian faith is something that promotes independence. It also says that only GOD can take your rights and liberties away, for He was the one who gave them to us, not a government. Christians are known to fight back against those that want to oppress them. Either peacefully, as we do here in America, or violently.. as some have done so in the past.
  17. 'Gunny
    The Government Give'th, the Government Take'th away
  18. avion365
    and Government Screwup'ith
  19. The Rt Hon. Daniel Ryan
    The Rt Hon. Daniel Ryan
    Communism is like a tree, its roots lie in the darkness while its leaves wace in the sun and to those who suspect nought it has a attractive and pleasing appearance. You can prune away at the branches , or even cut the tree to the ground, but it will grow back ever the stronger and attractive. Yet all this time the roots grow thick and black, and growing ever greater and more entrenched. Communism is hard to destroy, for it must be eradicated leaf, branch, trunk and root. It must be exorcised utterly or it will return stronger, time and time again, until it is to great to destroy. Then we are doomed.

    My thoughts on the matter
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