Best Episode/Songs?

  1. Påsan
    Hey, just wonrdering what episodes people regard as the best ones? And for the songs too!

    For me its EP 23 cutie mark chronicles because of all the backstory shown. And winter wrap up for best song
  2. Cahoma
    Alright guys. It's clear that the best song is the theme song:

    Oh wait! The cupcakes song is freaking awesome!

    This song too! Pinky Pie is so awesome...

    How could I forget about Fluttershy and Sweetie Bell singing this awesome song?

    Rarity too! This one is da bomb!

    The gala song! This one is damn good too! They're all in it!

    Just like the almost legendary Winter Wrap Up song...

    I completely forgot about this hilarious song!

    And it's also song by Flutterguy!

    Even the goddamn Cutie Mark Crusaders have an awesome song...

    Please help me pick the best one
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Yes, I copied this from my post in the other group...
  3. Tia
    Favorite episode? Hmm... that's a hard one, but I'm going to have to say episode 19.
    My favorite song is either At the Gala or Art of the Dress.
  4. Cahoma
    I just expanded my downloadet my 5 favorite fan music so I can listen to it all the time.

  5. Påsan
    Do you have the applejack theeme from fighting is magic? if not GET IT! GET IT NOOOW!

  6. Cahoma
    Yes! I got that one too.
  7. Derpy Hooves
    Derpy Hooves
    I have to say it would be the Winter Wrap Up song
  8. ✠Ikaroqx✠
    Love winter wrap up, I'm learning it in my music lessons (I play bassoon)
  9. Mithridate
    That bloody awesome tune always in the background, at the parties and when the cutiemark crusaders maxes tries stuff to find their marks
  10. Pinkie Pie
    Pinkie Pie

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    Not really a song I know but god darn is it catchy.
  11. Mithridate
    Agreed, though some of the fanmade ones are just impossible to stop playing
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    I dont always listen to dubstep, but when i do its always ponies
  12. Pinkie Pie
    Pinkie Pie
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
  13. Mithridate
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Sorry martin, but this tune is unbeatable xD
  14. Pinkie Pie
    Pinkie Pie
    Best Episode/Songs?
    But it is not a song, it is a tune.
  15. Mithridate
    Ah... You caught me in my true ignorance when it comes to music
    I shall have to redeem that with some bravery!
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    I know its dark, but i love the theme and the song
    Cant put it or, killing time down (PMV, not really MLP song)
    Other than that, you martin have caused me to really like "Smile"
    (playing it a lot on the 14th may have something to do with it too)

    I fear overusing them both, not to mention possibly becoming viewed as a grimdark-person wich im not.
    But, so much death, deceit and betrayal in all the hotseats lately

    hmm... Is it just me or is it lonely here?
    Bah, more sugar pinkie and lets keep this going xD
  16. Pinkie Pie
    Pinkie Pie
    I like listening to the 10 hour version of Smile, I never have to go back on and reset the song then while I am working on my pc

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  17. Mithridate
    Indeed, its like the tune... Very inspiring and energizing!
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    But dont make me send Gipsy-Pinkie pie on you
  18. matmohair1

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