1. Space Wolves
    Space Wolves
    Doctor Tamara Johansen, BECAUSE I DREAM ABOUT HER, and shes the only medically trained person our thar in the galaxy far far away
  2. Nazgūl Killer
    Nazgūl Killer
    From what I've heard (Haven't seen it yet) SG:U is okay, but has nothing to do with SG1 nor SG:A, and is not even close to being as good as them - Some say that Brad Wright and the other writers went TOO far into the dark side of writing.
  3. Dr. Nicholas Rush
    I agree its different then ST:A or ST1 it has its own style. Some of the episode where break taking others not but its worth to see. I have so far seen them all and I am eagerly waiting for then next Dr. Rush is the best actor for sure! I find it sad they stopped with ST: A because so much could be done and yet they stopped to focus on this new show. If you going to see it I suggest do it fast because you have allot to catch up.
  4. Tony83
    It's not as polished yet as its predecessors, nor have the characters established themselves and got into their stride, but give it time. I like the claustrophobic feel of it, and the Dr Zachary Smithlike personna of Rush (is he a goody or a baddy?). SG1 and SGA were beginning to get too comfortable and becoming parodies of themselves, SG-U has a nice edge to it. Lots of potential I think. My fav character has to be Scott - he's fit, and I'd tap it.
  5. Dr. Nicholas Rush
    Scott his parents died when he was six and he is in love with the daughter of the senator perfect catch!
    Also he sacrifices himself allot, a good thing.
  6. Space Wolves
    Space Wolves
    BSG'Esque, it worked for BSG cause you know, civilization got nuked and you have absolutely no one to beg for help, so it works perfectly. Stargate Universe, i'm glad there trying to copy BSG but no just no.........you just can't imitate BSG, its too good mate, plus the communicate through stones is kind of cheap....but thats me
  7. Dr. Nicholas Rush
    yeah the stones and take over sucks, I mean what they do is visit there wife or family instead in such a situation they should get a plan together and discuss and report the condition of the ship, etc yeah BSG beats the show but still tough a nice show to watch.
  8. Ramashan
    Like all shows just starting out, it needs to find its stride and work out how the characters interact. Cause although the writing may be there, you have all these actors still trying to figure their long term characters out. I just hope they don't pull a Lost and have all these random characters as wall paper in the background that are constantly changing cause no one really notices them. Everyone who came through the gate onto Destiny should stay as the unchanging cast.

    As for my favorite, it changes per episode at the moment. So, too early to tell.
  9. Maca
    I like Eli, he's the most "normal" of the cast and also provides most of the humour.
  10. Razvus
    The serious-chested-army-lady. Best first scene for a character out of all the SG series. That storeroom and those white socks...we're bound to have some more plot nuggets related to her.
  11. Space Wolves
    Space Wolves
    So whose gonna be the new leader...apparently Dr Rush Got Perma Banned
  12. Ramashan
    Is it me, or was this a short season? Seems like the last two eps are coming up in two weeks. Guess they didn't get a back end picked. The show really needs little more room to grow so I hope it continues for at least one more season.
  13. Space Wolves
    Space Wolves
    Hopefully, but im having mah doubts, i want back my old happy/funny/actiony SG1 and or Atlantis
  14. Razvus
    happy funny is old. grim and negative is the new age.
  15. Darth Ravenous
    Darth Ravenous
    Here I come...
  16. Nazgūl Killer
    Nazgūl Killer
    I like. I like.
  17. ajak60
    hm... Eli out of the "main characters" but i still like O'Neill as the best character out of all Star Gate shows so far
  18. Razvus
    I'm a naked little midget.
Results 1 to 18 of 18