The Radical Exiles' Group (Moderated Group)

Are you one of those members who are constantly attacked, harassed and flamed for having unusual political views, such as Nationalism, Opposition to Immigration, Opposition to Race-mixing, Homophobia, Pro-Zionism, Anti-Semitism, Monarchism, Anti-Liberalism and such?
Pro-Zionist or Anti-Zionist, Jewish or Anti-Semite, this group is for people who are sick of being attacked, flamed and harassed over the forum just for having unusual political views such as Nationalism, Opposition to Immigration, Opposition to Race-mixing, Homophobia, Monarchism or Anti-Liberalism.
We might have differences, but our goal is common: We demand freedom of speech, and demand to end harassment of people like us.

NOTE: This group is not about debate between different political views. This group is about FREEDOM OF SPEECH, and that we demand to end the harassment we face from other people simply for out extraordinary political views.

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