Quote Originally Posted by Gary88 View Post
other than the fact its the equivelent of 5 cigarettes in carcinogen terms and linked to inumerable mental health issues
You can smoke out of a vaporizer and bake canabis butter if youre worried about carcinogens and your lungs.

And what do you mean "its equal to 5 cigarrettes"? That sounds like complete B.S. to me, what's equal to 5 cigarrettes? A nickel bag? A dime bag? An eighter? An ounce?

Anyway, you dont HAVE to smoke marijuana to get the desired effects. Ferrets is complaining of high stress and low appetite. Well, there is a pill made from Cannabis extracts called Marinol, that helps alleviate those exact problems. And its not illegal because its fully supported by the pharmaceutical industry, so that should put all the law-abiding citizen's concerns to rest, knowing full well that just enough and just the right kind of people were bribed to bring you a new drug from Merck and Phizer.

Here, sorry the prescription pill is called Marinol not Cannibanol. That was my mistake, but this pill is real and legal and safe.
