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Thread: [ACW] Feedback & Discussion Thread

  1. #141

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    IŽll upload it to another destination too. Should be up tommorow mate.

  2. #142
    DaVinci's Avatar TW Modder 2005-2016
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    The plastic poisoned and d(r)ying surface of planet Earth in before Armageddon

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by shokh View Post
    IŽll upload it to another destination too. Should be up tommorow mate.
    Hopefully this comes tomorrow with the hotfix-patch, too ...couldn't resist, sorry
    #Anthropocene #not just Global Warming but Global Disaster, NASA #Deforestation #Plastic Emission #The Blob #Uninhabitable Earth #Savest Place On Earth #AMOC #ICAN #MIT study "Falsehoods Win" #Engineers of Chaos
    #"there can be no doubt about it: the enemy stands on the Right!" 1922, by Joseph Wirth.
    Rightwingers, like in the past the epitome of incompetence, except for evilness where they own the mastership.
    Iirc., already 2013 i spoke of "Renaissance of Fascism", it was accurate.
    #"Humanity is in ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in universe." Buckminster Fuller
    Any chance for this exam? Very low, the established Anthropocentrism destroys the basis of existence.
    #My Modding #The Witcher 3: Lore Friendly Tweaks (LFT)
    #End, A diary of the Third World War (A.-A. Guha, 1983) - now, it started on 24th February 2022.

  3. #143

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    One campaign is running well (CS) but we have to get the other running (US). Cannot say when all is fine but shouldnŽt take that long.
    Why are aware that the people want to play this weekend.

  4. #144

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Cant start it as the Confederacy, can as the Union.

    Aside from the issues others have already pointed out, there are no ships. Are there going to be ships in the future?

  5. #145
    Ftmch's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Really love the warpath-campaign map, have been dreaming about it for ACW for a loooong time, just hope we get to see that CAI fix eventually so that I can truly start enjoying it! (will be nice to see muskets being less lethal at long distances later aswell).

    Thank you very much for this mod, I know you put a lot of hard work in it and that bugs and such can be very stressful.

  6. #146

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Hello guys!
    Let me say first and foremost, Thank you for this mod! It is very wonderfully done and I cant wait to see it expand!

    A few notes I would like to add:
    I totally agree with what another fellow responded about tweaking the morale system, their should be considerably more disengaging and re-menouvering

    Some of the elite units seem a bit overpowered, ie 20th Maine, this unit was essentially still green in many ways by the time of its fame at Gettysburg, its action at Fredricksburg being more of a slaughter, and during Sharpsburg and Chancellorsville the brigade was kept most in reserve. Part of its reason for its defiant stand at Gettysburg was due to the influx of the veterans from the old second maine.

    The USCT (United States Colored Troops) Uniforms are a reflection on the movie "Glory" and are not based on any sort of uniform the USCT were issued, From all sources I have found and researched, the USCT were issued the normal mid-late war Union army uniforms, 4 button sack coats, sky blue trousers, blue forage caps, possibly a enlisted mans frock every once in a while ect..

    On the other hand do not scrap the current colored troopers uniforms, they are a very close to the early-mid war uniform of the famed 14th Brooklyn(84th NY), a very experienced uniform that should replace the 20th Maine in the roster IMO, In addition to that point I think it would be a neat addition if the "US Regulars" had the black pants and the infantry frocks, even though most of these things had been replaced by the latter stages of 63' I think it would be great on the manassas map.

    The union artilleryman are kind of funky as well but this might just be the weird little hats, throw some forge caps in their and everything will be zen.

    As a note to that^ I read that the confederate units are supposed to have alternating hats, I run on a lower setting so is this just a OS restriction or has it not officially come out yet?

    I applaud you very much on the confederate side, When I fight as them I am very happy with the dis uniformity of appearance!

    I would also like to add that other than the Confederate State Marines, their really was no "CS Regulars" Three Units would get a designation like this but no uniformity/ change in unit structure/ any other changes happened and the units basically remained in their state form with an additional title.

    The smoke and sounds of the battles are breathtaking, From miles away clouds of smoke can be seen rising from the field of battle! Congratz on that aspect 100% respect!

    Well thats all I have right now, I just got warpath and have only played the mod for a few days, I cant wait to see more!

    If any of you guys has a historical question and would like to cross reference with me feel free to send me a pm, I have spent the better part of the last decade researching this conflict, and I have traveled to museums, battlefields, and reenacted extensively across the east US.

    Once again thanks for all the hard work! I love this mod, makes ETW playable again!

  7. #147

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Thanks for all your comments and insights.
    Yes, there will be ships but limited. The rifle lethality is adressed.

    For the uniforms, this is something for primergy.

  8. #148

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    I just noticed that the Gregg and Orphan brigade units have the same uniforms (with blue stripes). I remember in 2.6 they were different (one of them had black stripes).
    Is this normal ? Or could it be an installation problem ?

  9. #149

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gotreksek View Post
    I just noticed that the Gregg and Orphan brigade units have the same uniforms (with blue stripes). I remember in 2.6 they were different (one of them had black stripes).
    Is this normal ? Or could it be an installation problem ?
    Will take a look. If itŽs an failure then it will be corrected in the same patch when we correct the union zouaves model.

  10. #150
    nonopo's Avatar Libertus
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    Icon7 Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Hey, great game, stable for me on both campaign. And you seem like you're adressing all the problems I've noticed in the next patch ( CAI tweak, Buildings, ...)

    Just one quick question, is there a difficulty level where the CAI behaves a lil more agressively? I've only played in hard / Hard, and it was completely passive. I might try other levels to see, but if you've noticed one that works, please let me know.


  11. #151

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    This will be fixed. Or you pass trough the first 24 turns (1 year) and the AI wake up a bit.

  12. #152
    nonopo's Avatar Libertus
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    Icon7 Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by shokh View Post
    This will be fixed. Or you pass trough the first 24 turns (1 year) and the AI wake up a bit.
    cool thx

  13. #153

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    The 4th download mirror is up.
    See into the download & install thread.
    The new mirror is "recommend mirror #2"

  14. #154

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    THIS MOD RUINED DARTHMOD FOR ME. Now i cant get it to work i have to redo a ton of because of this ruined version of one of my favorite mods. ACW 3.0 cant play campagne becasue i dont have wrpath, and battles arnt as fun when everything is more goddamed exspencive so thank you and you

    EDIT: I only put it in the spoilers, MM... I hope you'll fix it
    Last edited by Minas Moth; May 18, 2012 at 05:25 AM.

  15. #155

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    first ACW crashed and now Empire wont start at all. Whats up? Any ideas ?

  16. #156

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by patton267 View Post
    THIS MOD RUINED DARTHMOD FOR ME. Now i cant get it to work i have to redo a ton of because of this ruined version of one of my favorite mods. ACW 3.0 cant play campagne becasue i dont have wrpath, and battles arnt as fun when everything is more goddamed exspencive so thank you and you
    ItŽs not our fault if you fail in using different mods.
    IŽve darthmod too installed and other mods too and have no problems because i just open my eyes where the files are.
    But thats the new cool way eh? Flaming around instead of looking what youself done wrong?

    Our Team do a lot of conversations with the community and give a helping hand wherever we can, we spend a lot of time without any claims then a friendly behaviour.
    But subjects like you coming over to the TWC and think the volunteer mod teams are here to deliver you content and should be the recieving end for your frustation.
    Thats not a fine deal, think about it!

  17. #157
    JOPAKE's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Ever since I downloaded the mod I can't load any of my vanilla files even when I set it to vanilla ready.

  18. #158


    Quote Originally Posted by dgard20 View Post
    first ACW crashed and now Empire wont start at all. Whats up? Any ideas ?
    Do you recieve any error messages? Started the mod without starting before steam by hand?
    Please answer in this thread. IŽll take a look there.


    Quote Originally Posted by JOPAKE View Post
    Ever since I downloaded the mod I can't load any of my vanilla files even when I set it to vanilla ready.
    Please, post it into the tech forum. I will take some time to help you if i can.

    EDIT: merged double-post... MM

  19. #159

    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Sorry about the melt down i was just really upset and had a bad day. i got darthmod working again. but i will ask every time i try to do the campange it just goes right back to the main menu for both north, and south does this mean i need warpath. please responde. also sorry for the poor spelling

  20. #160
    Dave Strider's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: [Version 3] Feedback & Discussion Thread

    Yes, you need Warpath to play the 3.0 campaign.
    when the union's inspiration through the worker's blood shall run,
    there can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun,
    yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one?
    but the union makes us strong.

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