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Thread: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

  1. #1
    Sharpe's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    I loved the variable features of ME2, but I did not realise just how variable the suicide mission was going to be! I went in there with hardly any upgrades LOL.

    So first time you completed it, who died and what were your reactions?

    Here are mine:

    Jack - Got crushed by girders (?) on the approach - did not really care, bit of a moaner.

    Tali - Also died on the approach - Kind of sad because I had sexytime with her.

    Jacob - Got shot in the head when closing the door - I LOL'd so hard because it there was a graphical error and his teeth and eyes stuck out.

    The dominatrix blue girl? - Died after using her shield, what a wimp

    Zaeed - Died during a last stand - such a hero, second favourite team member

    Garrus - *sniff* got taken away by bats - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, why can't you take everyone else instead.

    Also Yeoman Kelly and Dr Chakwas got liquefied - did not see that coming.

    In the end it was Wrex and Legion who helped me fight the boss.

    Suffice to say I will have to start a new file on ME3 when I finally get it.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    if i remember correctly it was Jack, Tali and Mordin. When i saw them dying at the initial video on the suicide mission (the normandy going through the shipwrecks and asteroids) i restarted the game, but then the same happened again so i just continued to the end and when i finished it i started a new campaign immediately lol. But i did it right from the second time onwards, it kinda also takes the fun away... but then not doing loyalty missions to specifically have some of your characters die and you know that before they actually do die is also kinda boring... so bottom line first playthrough is the best lol.
    Last edited by Wulfburk; April 11, 2013 at 10:44 AM.
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  3. #3
    Sharpe's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    Can't replace that feeling of being so gutted.

  4. #4
    Noif de Bodemloze's Avatar The Protector of Art
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    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    Only Mordin in hold the line, rest my crew and members survived. I played it again and then all survived.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    Lol damn you lost a lot. I only lost Thane because I let Miranda convince me she could sustain a biotic barrier to get us through the swarm stage and she wasn't strong enough.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Jin View Post
    Lol damn you lost a lot. I only lost Thane because I let Miranda convince me she could sustain a biotic barrier to get us through the swarm stage and she wasn't strong enough.
    You shouldn't let your tactical thinking be done with thoughts of boobs and booty.

    I had no none die. But I've a compulsive disorder so I can't play such a game without doing every single mission and excavate any nook or cranny for bonus content. It's the reason the only Bethesda game I ever finished was New Vegas and it took me ~ 2 years (on and off) to do so. In my last only Zaaed was a candidate because his loyality mission is really so lobsided you hardly can justify siding with him and let civilians die randomly.

    Would have been better if similar to Virmire aka you have to sacrifice people to pull through. Would have been nasty if Tali were the best tech to do the vent job making your part real easy but whoever goes in there dies horribly whatever you do. There is enough splitting up etc. so it wouldn't be your fault.
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  7. #7
    Katsumoto's Avatar Quae est infernum es
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    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    Jack died when she went back to the ship to evacuate the crew, and Mordin took a round when that door shut. I went with that save into ME3 too, didn't go back to 'fix' it. I liked that there were consequences to your actions and didn't want to spoil that.
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  8. #8
    Sir Adrian's Avatar the Imperishable
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    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    Nobody died the first time. Though the second time Miranda died.
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  9. #9
    Darth Red's Avatar It's treason, then
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    No one dies, no one left behind, on any of my play throughs. Either Paragon or Renegade. Jack (paragon romanced, IDK if that had any bearing on it) and Samara were both strong enough for the barrier, Jacob always escorts the crew back to the ship, Tali always disables the shields and Garrus always holds the doors.

    Actually I'm lying, Mordin always died in whatever job I gave him so I realized that not giving him a job is the best way to keep him alive.

    I think affection (or whatever that mechanic is called in this game, I forget it's been so long) has some bearing on whether people survive this encounter or not, on top of giving the correct people the correct job for their class. For instance Miranda isn't a full biotic, so she shouldn't be the one to hold the barrier. Garrus is the sniper that was holding off an army when you first meet him, perfect for holding the door. Jacob, being a Sentinel, is better suited for escort duty. Tali, being a full engineer, is perfect for slicing the shields.
    Last edited by Darth Red; April 11, 2013 at 12:01 PM.
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  10. #10
    Sharpe's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    Quote Originally Posted by Katsumoto View Post
    Jack died when she went back to the ship to evacuate the crew, and Mordin took a round when that door shut. I went with that save into ME3 too, didn't go back to 'fix' it. I liked that there were consequences to your actions and didn't want to spoil that.
    I really want to continue with this character, but I think I'm going to have to go back and do all the missions. I can't imagine not having Garrus in my squad.

    He's my boy.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mangalore View Post
    You shouldn't let your tactical thinking be done with thoughts of boobs and booty.
    I can't help it. I have an unseemly obsession with Yvonne Strahovski. Plus she WAS a biotic so it made sense that she could hold a barrier up. Just wasn't powerful enough.

    Would have been better if similar to Virmire aka you have to sacrifice people to pull through. Would have been nasty if Tali were the best tech to do the vent job making your part real easy but whoever goes in there dies horribly whatever you do. There is enough splitting up etc. so it wouldn't be your fault.
    I like how it is set up only I wish there were some not so obvious things that you had to do to secure loyalty. Because, like you, I played every little thing on the game before I embarked on the mission so of course I had done all the loyalty missions. Of course I lost Jack's loyalty on my first play through because my renegade and paragon scores were not high enough but fortunately Jack was powerful enough to survive without loyalty. And strangely nothing happened to her in ME3 despite this lack of loyalty (as it can affect character's even in ME3).

    An example of a WTF moment for me was definitely my second play through of ME3 when for whatever reason I didn't have the option to save the Geth and Quarians which was weird because my first time playing I could. I had full paragon and all that too but then Tali did the unthinkable on Rannoch and I literally shouted at my TV "WTF WTF!!!" And then I was kind of bummed the rest of the game.

  12. #12
    Razvus's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Red View Post
    Actually I'm lying, Mordin always died in whatever job I gave him so I realized that not giving him a job is the best way to keep him alive.
    I always sent him to escort the rescued crew back to the ship and he always made it.

    First time Miranda died because I lost her loyalty in her fight with Jack. I didn't even give her a role or anything, she just died.

    Magic team for me always was : Garrus as squad leader, Legion in the pipes and Jack as shield.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    Yeah I either had Zaeed or Garrus run the other squad. I wish there was something like that in ME3. It was really fun sort of picking roles for other half of the mission. ME3 should have done that on a few missions where your crew could be affected or killed based on loyalty/assignments. Plus it would make more sense. Why have a big bad ass team but only take three into thrash *******? I mean in the Citadel DLC everyone gets in on the action which is pretty cool but yeah...

  14. #14

    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    I never lost anyone. Not even by random chance on hold the line. Probably because I always sent Mordin with loyalty to escort the people back.

  15. #15
    Sharpe's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    It seems I done exceptionally awfully then.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    during my first attempt?

    -Jack - killed by space things.

    -Thane - killed by space things.

    -Tali - became a toast.

    -Legion - killed by insects.

    -Jacob - I hoped he died since I met him.

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  17. #17
    trance's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    Mine was quite the massacre as well. My crew survived, and no one died upon approach, however from then on, **** went south. I lost Thane, Garrus, Samara and Jack (it's possible Tali died during the last stand... don't remember). I almost made every incorrect decision during the assault, so people dropped like flies .

  18. #18
    Darth Red's Avatar It's treason, then
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razvus View Post
    I always sent him to escort the rescued crew back to the ship and he always made it.

    First time Miranda died because I lost her loyalty in her fight with Jack. I didn't even give her a role or anything, she just died.

    Magic team for me always was : Garrus as squad leader, Legion in the pipes and Jack as shield.
    Yeah, now that I think of it I tried sending Mordin back with the crew but found out he died protecting them. If I remember correctly that's what I was told in game. I know I always had full Paragon/Renegade points and I didn't think I lost any loyalty with him so I do remember being confused about that one. I thought I read somewhere way back when that he may have been 'bugged' as well, but I'm not sure. Then again I see some of you didn't have that problem with him, so maybe I did lose loyalty with him somewhere. I simply took him with me in my party instead, he never died when he was with me.

    Ah, forgot about Legion, he's perfect for that as well. I always liked Tali in the pipes though, just hearing her say in that sweet voice "don't let me die in here Shepard" added a little pressure to make sure I got her out in time.

    Zaeed could have been a decent squad leader, but Garrus was always my main man. There is no one better watching my back. Plus, Zaeed never makes it out of his loyalty mission alive on my Paragons. My Renegades still trusted Garrus more.

    I think I only used Jack for the barrier once, in the one I romanced her. Otherwise I used Samara/Morinth on the other play through's.

    I alternated between Miranda and Jacob for escorting.

    This thread is making me want to do this mission again lol.
    Last edited by Darth Red; April 12, 2013 at 12:21 PM.
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  19. #19
    The Dude's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    I remember playing through it thinking I was doing quite well. Then Garrus died after leading the attack team. I can't remember who else died. Just Garrus, I think. Maybe Mordin too.
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  20. #20
    Sharpe's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Who died during your first playthrough of the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2?

    I put Jacob in the pipes and he kept melting lol.

    "Help me SHepard!"

    I honestly didn't care when he got shot in the head. I just laughed and ran off.
    Last edited by Darth Red; April 17, 2013 at 10:37 AM. Reason: no pejoratives please

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