I love your mod! It's great! However I have been having a slight problem after playing it for awhile. I'm not sure it is an actual glitch/error or simply my bad luck or an in-game action I am taking which is leading to this, but for some reason every family member i have (even ones I adopt) continually have the disloyalty trait. Even my faction leader and heir all have the max disloyalty trait. I was just wondering what on earth would be causing all my generals to eventually adopt the max disloyalty trait, even when they spend most of their time governing my cities. Also, due to the mod not recognising any character names (why?) I am unable to use the console to remove this negative trait.

I;m not quite sure if this is a problem introduced by your mod but I had no idea where to post this. I have never had this issue in vanilla or when running any other mods.