View Poll Results: What Religion to you is the most logical?

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  • Christianity (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant)

    18 16.07%
  • Hinduisim (Gaudiya Vaishnavisim, Vaishnavisim, Saivism, Shaktism, Smartism or Vedic Sanatan Dharma)

    3 2.68%
  • Buddhisim (Mahayana, Theravāda or Vajrayāna)

    17 15.18%
  • Jainisim ( Digambara and or others)

    0 0%
  • Islam (Sunni or Shiah)

    13 11.61%
  • Sikhism

    0 0%
  • Judaism

    0 0%
  • Bahaism

    2 1.79%
  • Confucianism

    4 3.57%
  • Shintoism

    1 0.89%
  • Atheisim, (Science prevails)

    45 40.18%
  • Asthetic, (Science may prevail, but only god can reveal the full truth)

    4 3.57%
  • Greek Mythology

    2 1.79%
  • Roman Mythology

    2 1.79%
  • Egyptian Mythology

    1 0.89%
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Thread: The Most Logical Religion

  1. #1
    Samraat Mahendra Maurya's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default The Most Logical Religion

    By LOGIC, i mean in a theological sense, if you believe all religions are illogical, vote for athiesim

    I confused Agnostic with Aesthetic, if a moderator see's this, can s(he) please change Aesthetic into Agnostic,


    Will be awaiting your responses
    Last edited by Samraat Mahendra Maurya; September 16, 2014 at 03:23 AM.
    Ich bin Kaiser von mauryan reiches

  2. #2
    Aeneas Veneratio's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    Voted atheism, although it's not a religion. Where's Norse Mythology? If I was forced to choose a religion, I would go with Odin, Thor, Tyr and the rest of the Aesir.
    R2TW stance: Ceterum autem censeo res publica delendam esse

  3. #3
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    Couldn't vote for I worship Thor.

  4. #4
    Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    Atheism isnt a religion so i cant really vote for that

    Buddhism seems the better choice i think.

  5. #5
    Samraat Mahendra Maurya's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    Alright, Atheism is a belief we'll say, can a moderator add norse mythology to this?
    Ich bin Kaiser von mauryan reiches

  6. #6
    basics's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    If one measures by experience what one believes then what is written in the Bible is unsurpassed. Indeed if one measures all the other religions, including the apostate Christian religion, one can see that they all spring from one original and that is Christianity which began with righteous Abel, the second son of Adam. Therefore if logic is to be applied to the supernatural then Christianity has to be the mother out of whom all others come. Indeed all the others can be shown to be offspring of what Noah brought out of the flood although their roots apply from before even that.

    Ham, a son of Noah, harboured thoughts that were to see his son Cush immortalise his son Ninus or Nimrod as what God promised at the fall of man thus bringing about the first of many apostate religions. Nevertheless the original word of God was retained by some until the written form came into being. These men and women were the first of many to claim the word faith, had their lives changed in faith and were thus written of as being righteous before God their Creator and Saviour. Their experiences we can read about in books that cover many thousands of years, 6,000 odd and counting yet brought into the one volume by the hand of God.

    Every other religion this world has ever seen is built on the contortion of that original. Every excuse under the sun is used to deny the original and every promise they make is to the baser instincts of men. In other words the attraction for men is what men in their fallen state want to hear, to have, rather than what God wills. In effect they rely on God being merciful, being able to bend what He originally said just to satisfy them. Nothing about God demanding death and His laws confirming it, no just work your socks off and perhaps He might be merciful. If that is what they think is written then poor fools them. Mercy comes by Jesus Christ whose blood paid for sin, something that was told from the very beginning. Believe on Him and you will be saved.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    You forgot Scientology. Get some Xenu up in this .

    Voted Science, I mean Atheism (though I prefer the term positive agnostic which is a bit different).
    Last edited by Shaxx; June 25, 2014 at 06:52 AM.

  8. #8
    High Fist's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    Praise Kthulu!

    Agnosticism ain't up there either, so I just voted atheism.
    The only self-discipline you need is to finish your sandwiches

  9. #9
    Aeneas Veneratio's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by basics View Post
    If one measures by experience what one believes then what is written in the Bible is unsurpassed. Indeed if one measures all the other religions, including the apostate Christian religion, one can see that they all spring from one original and that is Christianity which began with righteous Abel, the second son of Adam. Therefore if logic is to be applied to the supernatural then Christianity has to be the mother out of whom all others come. Indeed all the others can be shown to be offspring of what Noah brought out of the flood although their roots apply from before even that.

    Ham, a son of Noah, harboured thoughts that were to see his son Cush immortalise his son Ninus or Nimrod as what God promised at the fall of man thus bringing about the first of many apostate religions. Nevertheless the original word of God was retained by some until the written form came into being. These men and women were the first of many to claim the word faith, had their lives changed in faith and were thus written of as being righteous before God their Creator and Saviour. Their experiences we can read about in books that cover many thousands of years, 6,000 odd and counting yet brought into the one volume by the hand of God.

    Every other religion this world has ever seen is built on the contortion of that original. Every excuse under the sun is used to deny the original and every promise they make is to the baser instincts of men. In other words the attraction for men is what men in their fallen state want to hear, to have, rather than what God wills. In effect they rely on God being merciful, being able to bend what He originally said just to satisfy them. Nothing about God demanding death and His laws confirming it, no just work your socks off and perhaps He might be merciful. If that is what they think is written then poor fools them. Mercy comes by Jesus Christ whose blood paid for sin, something that was told from the very beginning. Believe on Him and you will be saved.
    Son, this is why religion is bad for you... Sooner or later you are going to believe this...

    Bolded parts are just Christian propaganda and misconceptions of reality.
    Last edited by Aeneas Veneratio; June 25, 2014 at 07:43 AM.
    R2TW stance: Ceterum autem censeo res publica delendam esse

  10. #10
    Sir Winston Churchill's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    I don't consider Atheism a religion, since it is the complete lack of a religion. In my opinion Atheism is by far the most logical, but I don't consider it a religion so I didn't vote for it.

    On that note, I voted for Buddhism. Buddhism has always been the "religion I'd follow if I was into religion". Unlike many other religions it actually seeks out change and different ways of viewing the world. Buddhists do not deny new scientific discoveries like evolution, they embrace them. Buddhism is also one of if not the only religion that doesn't hate you if you're not Buddhist. In Buddhism, anyone can attain Enlightenment, even if you're not Buddhist or never have heard of Buddhism before, simply by living a good life that leads you to it. There is also no one way for someone to attain Enlightenment, in fact most Buddhist teachings I've read say it's very individual and we must all find our own ways. What works for someone might not work for someone else. While some Buddhists abstain from alcohol, others do not, and neither of these cases is "wrong".

    The entire idea of "the middle way" in Buddhism I think speaks the largest for how logical of a religion it is. Not too much, not too little of something. An example being eating too little and too much are both unhealthy, but eating the middle is perfect. Even though I'm not a Buddhist, I still try to live by that set of standards. I don't find anything immoral about drinking, but I will not drink to excess. To me, it's just sound logic, and thus why I believe Buddhism is by far the most logical of the religions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dalminar View Post
    My statements are correct by virtue of me saying them. Additional proof is not required.

  11. #11
    Denny Crane!'s Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    I have been a proponent of buddhism for a long time though I always press for a reductionist empirical reading of its texts.

    I wish people would not trot out atheism as though plopping out a golden turd and wagging their tail expecting a pat on the head. It is truly amazing how many people are so ignorant as to the rather glaring definition that dictates you can not vote for it.

    Incidentally a more general view of other eastern religions still leaves them infinitely more logical than abrahamic faiths. Brahma as a pantheistic view of the universe is far easier to believe intellectually than an interventionist paternal (angry) creator.

  12. #12

    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    Logical is relative. Logical as in, it makes the most sense, then the answer is really none of them. They are all pretty much B.S.

    Logical in terms of a people to follow for its greater success, then there are several possibilities.

    Christianity and Islam head the list.

    Islam is best for warfare, thats the reason it was created, but adaptable to peace time.
    Christianity is best for peace time, but easily adaptable for war.

    The more I've thought of it, the more I see being good at war a key factor to the success of a religion. This is where Islam and Christianity really excel. While I think it obvious neither religion is "valid", both are excellent in getting people to fight and die for their people, more so than just about any religion to date. There have been true "warrior" religions, but those do not fare well in peace time.

    Added a religion has to seek new converts for that group success, in which both Christianity and Islam have been outstanding at, both through conquest and through more peaceful conversions.

    So if you wanted to logically pick a winning team, pick one of the big two.
    Last edited by Phier; June 25, 2014 at 09:33 AM.
    "When I die, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like Fidel Castro, not screaming in terror, like his victims."

    My shameful truth.

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    Most of these religions have a range of interpretations that go from very mythological folk beliefs to philosophically "justified" theologies that seem logical if you accept the basic premise as plausible. I think the average believer tends toward the folk beliefs, without giving them much logical thought. Theology seems to be something intellectually minded religious people come up with after the fact.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phier View Post
    Logical in terms of a people to follow for its greater success, then there are several possibilities.

    Christianity and Islam head the list.

    Islam is best for warfare, thats the reason it was created, but adaptable to peace time.
    Christianity is best for peace time, but easily adaptable for war.

    The more I've thought of it, the more I see being good at war a key factor to the success of a religion. This is where Islam and Christianity really excel. While I think it obvious neither religion is "valid", both are excellent in getting people to fight and die for their people, more so than just about any religion to date. There have been true "warrior" religions, but those do not fare well in peace time.

    Added a religion has to seek new converts for that group success, in which both Christianity and Islam have been outstanding at, both through conquest and through more peaceful conversions.

    So if you wanted to logically pick a winning team, pick one of the big two.
    This is good. They seem to also compartmentalize nicely for the sake of intra-religious conflicts. What I mean is that they can still inspire people for a local dispute, while everyone can come together for a major external threat. It's like the system of tribal confederations in the region these religions were born, but taken to an extreme with a higher power as justification, rather than just pride in descent from a common ancestral hero.
    Last edited by sumskilz; June 25, 2014 at 09:55 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Enros View Post
    You don't seem to be familiar with how the burden of proof works in when discussing social justice. It's not like science where it lies on the one making the claim. If someone claims to be oppressed, they don't have to prove it.

  14. #14

    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    In many ways Scientology is the most coherent religion.

    It incorporates a modern understanding of the size and scope of the Universe and puts Earth as just one of many inhabited planets. This is due to the fact that Hubbard had the benefit of 20th century astronomy, while the authors of the Torah/Bible/Koran/Bhagavad Gita didn't seem to even know that the New World existed. Although Mormonism eventually incorporated the existence of the New World into Christianity.

    Scientology doesn't get much respect because we are aware of the details of surrounding its origin, which are admittedly unimpressive. Mormonism suffers from the same thing. But I think it is pretty safe to assume that the older religions started more or less the same way as inventing religions seems to be a fairly universal human trait.

    So in all sincerity, Scientology really does square the best with the evidence we have gathered about ourselves and the rest of the universe.

  15. #15
    Denny Crane!'s Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    I took logical to mean not against every law in the universe Phier.

  16. #16
    King_of_Spoons64's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    It's not on here, but I would have to to with Pastafarianism. It may of been created as a parody religion, thus doesn't take itself very seriously, but I would sooner follow it than than other, more mainstream religions. The penalty for not believing is a hell that's only slightly worse than heaven. It's all for equality, and is more focused on helping the world than make itself look better, with no expensive churches being one of the I'd really rather you didn'ts.
    Any evidence against the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster's existence was designed by him to test our faith. How can you argue with that?
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  17. #17
    Denny Crane!'s Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    If its a joke its not a religion.

  18. #18
    ShockBlast's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by KleenClothMaurya View Post
    Alright, Atheism is a belief we'll say, can a moderator add norse mythology to this?
    No, it`s not a belief either.Atheism is the lack of belief.

    Quote Originally Posted by Denny Crane! View Post
    If its a joke its not a religion.
    As opposed to all other religions.

  19. #19
    Treize's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    Miss me yet?

  20. #20
    Himster's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: The Most Logical Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by ShockBlast View Post
    No, it`s not a belief either.Atheism is the lack of belief.
    It can be a belief, but generally it is not. That's why it's so confusing to theists.
    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts.
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