Good news, friends!
Newest version will have more new models then in older versions!

You can see now changes of Kree race.

Kree Palace Knights now have more good models then in past.
In past there was just reskin of vanilla Companions model. Now its new model.
Content was borrowed from Pax Barbarika mod. Its free to use, i must say.

These warriors are the mighty ones of all Kree Empire.
Kree Palace Knights also plays main part in campaign. In campaign you can lead them to battle.
They are almost always with you, if you`re playing by Kree faction.

I must say, Krypton faction also have new models.

Krypton Council Horsemen now have new model.
One revolution army horsemen unit also have the same model, but other textures.

Tanos faction have now new Cataphracts.
In earlier version, i used standart vanilla model of Bactrian horsemen, just reskinned.
But now, they have new cool 3d model and textures.

Look at them! They looks more better then in earlier versions.
Tanos Cataphracts - are his vassals from many humanoid races, and they must look best.

House of Stark faction units also have some new models.

Allies Knights are now have new model and textures. They looks more better then earlier.

About Darkness faction, i must also say, they have some changes.

Darkness Mormaer Knights are now have also new model.
They again looks better then in older versions.

Thanks to Pax Barbarika mod team for these masterworks!
